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 As my grin grows, the large dark clouds raced towards me, sensing what I have in mind. They blocked out the silver glow of the full moon, be ridding the island below of any heavenly light.

Soon the winds picked on my plans, and changed themselves from the soft cool breezes, gently rustling the palm fronds; to cruel and hateful blasts, forcing the tall proud palm trees to bow to my will, and tear apart the lowly peasant huts (dark and low to the ground to try and avoid the storm's wrath).

And the deep blue ocean wanted to join, and let go of their soft kind nature if only for a moment. The waves built up from the soothing lapping on the shore, and release their destructive nature. Turning white from foam; the result of crashing against each other. Wearing away the rocks by the shore.

Rain began to fall. A light drizzle of icy needle drops, darken the soil and sand. Turning their world into varying shades of gray and black. Turning all those in their dirt-stained clothes indoors, to hide from the strengthening storm in the sky.

Except one girl. Pulled out into the storm by me. She walked confidently, and somehow was not staggering by sheer force the wind. In fact the only thing that seemed affected by the blasts was her long hair. With dark strands flying chaotically around her head. Her long nightgown was beginning to darken as the rain water soaked into the durable fabric. Turning the gown from a pale yellow, shining out in the darkness, to a brownish color, blending in with the ground she walked through. Wiping away her footsteps in the brown sand in between the road and the sea.

The rain got worse. Changing from the thin needles, that pricked the maiden's skin, to fat heavy drops that blinding all below. She stopped, watching the long dark road that she can no longer see. Facing the only curve in miles. Water was running down her face in streams, yet I could not tell what was rain and what was tears. She is no longer brave. She is terrified of this storm. Yet she can no longer move.

Down the road she was watching, a man drove in a car, silver as the now blocked moon. The rain splattered against his windshield in fat plops. Large and heavy enough for him to question if he is driving through a hail storm. Question if he should turn back. But his youth grants him confidence and bravery. So he continues speeding down the road he could no longer see, Trusting on the headlights breaking through the darkness. But rain is more dangerous than it appears. Covering the road, and making it as slippery as ice. And a making a turn too fast can be deadly.

She sees a light in the darkness. Racing towards her. Getting stronger. As the yellow light got larger, she realised it was actually a pair of lights. Headlights. Cutting a way to her. She starts to stand. A smile on her face. Her wish was granted. But she didn't notice that the bright yellow headlights was wavering.

The long dark road began to falter on him. He could no longer control the wheel. The silver car was swerving, unsteady on the rain covered road. And as he past the curve, his path became bumpy and more uncontrollable. Until he hit a large rock. And he could no longer remember anything else.

She saw the silver car speeding and swerving towards her. She saw it past the curve, and drove on the sand. She saw it hit the rock, and flip over. And over. And grind to a stop by the sea.  

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