DD: Part Five

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Pyronica kept an eye on everywhere she could, spinning her steps, turning her head and moving her eyes to look at every corner she could. That demon girl couldn't be too far from her. Norio also kept a close eye everywhere he could, still behind Pyronica. His eyes went wide at a view. "Ms. Wildfire!"

Pyronica pulled up her sword and cut through whatever Norio screamed at. Metal flew across the air and was cut in half by Pyronica's blade. More metal flew towards them and Pyronica did her best to dodge and cut all of them to get Norio safe, her breath was steady, she couldn't lose her focus. Norio looked at the sides, seeing more metal appear, he screamed again. Pyronica followed his voice and once again, cut the metals. She realised they were getting bigger, as if what she was sending before was just a mere distraction. There's metal somewhere here, or maybe. Pyronica looked down to the ground. She must be taking the metal from the earth. Makes sense, under the earth there's a lot of metal.

The ground shook and started to crack and float, Pyronica was separated from Norio. Norio held tightly on the small portion of dirt and grass that he was onto to not fall. Pyronica turned to him. "Are you okay?" she shouted.

"I—I'm fine!" Norio replied.

The demon appeared two land portions behind him, she started to run towards Norio. Pyronica jumped on the portions as quick as she could to make it to Norio, she jumped forward and grabbed Norio as the girl flew into the air, failing on the catch. She hit herself on a land portion that was before the one Norio was previously on. Pyronica landed three portions of land back from that one. Although filled with fear, Norio was mostly consumed by the amazement of the act Pyronica just made — he was easily impressed by those combat skills, don't blame the poor boy.

Pyronica threw Norio on her back. "Hold tight, and no matter what, do not let go." Norio nod.

Pyronica put her blade up again. "Flame Breathing, Second Form," she murmured. "Circus Flame Ring." she jumped and swung her katana as pink flames came out of it like a ring. The demon made three huge pieces of land fly against her. Pyronica hit her blade on the girl's neck, but the blade didn't pierce it. "Huh?!" One of the land portions hit her, making her fly back to the ground, but before she actually hit, she used her own katana and breathing style to change her direction and land on another portion of land. She turned her eyes to Norio. "Did it hit you?"

"Y—Yeah. . . Ow." Norio replied, showing a visible mark on the left side of his forehead.

Pyronica could take care of his wounds later. That demon's neck didn't cut, how was that possible? Did she not use her full strength? Or was it the girl herself? Maybe she should try a stronger form. She stood up — even with the pain of being hit by the land floating — and held tight on her katana. "Flame Breathing, Fourth—"

Before she could finish, the portion of land she was standing move quickly enough to make her fall, then it came flying back at her and threw her to the side. Another portion of land followed her and hit her from behind, also hitting Norio. The demon grinned. Norio turned to her. "F—For someone who's name's is Candy, you really can be the saltiest! That's why boys don't like you!"

Pyronica frowned, was he really teasing a demon at a time like this? As she fell down, two portions of land flew at her. She swung her katana and cut one of the land portions in half, landing on it and then cutting the one that came from behind her. This fight wasn't going to be easy, and she knew it.


"Oh," the brunette demon said. "So you're the bad meat my brother keeps talking about?" she turned to Bill. "More blondes, great."

"What's your issue with blondes?" Bill asked.

"Bill, not the time." Jack murmured.

White bright little lights surrounded the group, the brunette demon jumped and stood in one of them in the air, Grenda jumped on a tree behind and hid with the leaves. Lilith jumped for an attack. The brunette demon screamed pitchy enough to deafen someone, the small lights exploded and threw the group of slayers away, separating them in three groups: Lilith and Bill, Jack and Buriana, and Eve alone. Bill hit his back on a tree while Lilith managed to use her breath style to land perfectly on a branch, she laughed at Bill as he put a hand behind his head and pulled up his katana.

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