HH: Part Three

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Gravity Falls Gossiper, an abandoned building made of wood. Inside was empty and dark, the computers were as old as a grandma, and probably were not even working anymore. It didn't even seem like someone was there before, how long was Toby gone for?

Well, that wouldn't matter for long, because the pillars will find him and bring him back safely!

Well, the pillars had the brilliant idea of to make the investigation easier, to separate themselves. But they weren't going alone, no. Pyronica went with Lilith and Jack went with Bill. It was a bit dumb to separate, so it was better to have at least one person who got their back in case of a surprise demon attack. C'mon, Bill isn't that careless.

"We should check this room first," Jack said, in front of a door he just opened. "There are some photos inside,"

"We can find out what he was up to!" Bill said, then walked in. "Jack, you're great."

Jack chuckled lowly. "Thanks, Bill," he followed.

The room was a bit dark, the windows were shut tight by wooden planks, the sunlight barely hit inside. "Yeesh, this man was terrified for his life!" he said. "Planking the windows like this? He's hiding from the world!"

"Considering how much hate this town has for him, I wouldn't be surprised," Jack pulled out his sword and cut the planks.

"Watch the glass," Bill said.

"What glass?" Jack looked around him, then spotted the glass on the floor. The window was broken. "Oh my goodness,"

"I already have my theories," Bill said and turned to Jack. "Any ideas?"

Jack tilted his head and hummed pensively. "I do have a theory too," he said. "But share yours first,"

"Oh, please, I insist Jack, you can go first."

Jack smiled a bit. "Alright, since you asked so politely," he put on gloves and carefully passed a hand through the cracked window. "The hole here is not small, but not too big either," he said. "At first, I thought that a stone was thrown here from the outside."

"I also thought of that," Bill said. "But this crack doesn't seem like a stone, I mean, wouldn't a stone throw break the entire window square?"

"That's what I noticed," Jack said. "Which is why I have my hands on the window right now," he turned to Bill. "Come, take a look,"

Bill approached and Jack took a step back. Bill put a glove in one hand and passed it on the window cracks. He stopped his movement once he felt a freezing — and a bit sticky — substance on the window, immediately recognising what that was. "Demon prints," he whispered. "So Toby really is in danger!"

"Either the planks were an attempt to block the townsfolk, or the demons too."

"You're right, mate," Bill turned. "Now, let's check those photos!"

Bill and Jack went to the table and took one of the photos each. Bill's photo had a couple kissing together in an alley. Jack's photo had the image of a woman with her hand on her waist and wearing a long dress and a large beach hat, holding a parasol and her hair seeming to sway with a breeze.

"Confirmed, this man is a creep," Bill said.

They took more photos, seeing some different sceneries and lots of them having the same woman in them with different poses, none of them had her face — oh, wait, there's one with her face! Bill took the picture and shared it with Jack. Her hair and eyes were brown, she had a small black dot — or maybe, a mole — on her face, just a bit above the mouth; she was skinny, wore a strapless dress. The photo only showed from her waist and above, so no other detail could be seen.

Demon Falls (Gravity Falls x Demon Slayer AU)Where stories live. Discover now