Hello there, my audience of the internet.
I have decided to write a story into my own world that I created myself! (FRET NOT, I will still be writing this one!!)
I would really appreciate if you checked it out and read the description, just to see if you're interested in my kinda story!
You can check it out by (as you probably know) going onto my account page and looking at the stories I've written!
Please comment if you have any ideas that might suit the theme, as stated in the first chapter :)
Many thanks if you took the time to read this, as it is greatly appreciated. :)
I know that usually people ignore these to read the ACTUAL story (I don't blame you XD - that's why you're here!) but it's really nice of you if you got this far! -pretend I am giving you a medal or a trophy of some sort-.
Again, thank you! Please consider my request, if you will.