Chapter 2: Who is Kopa?

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{Kion's POV}
I took Kopa back to the Savanna habitat but I started to feel uneasy. Why would Kopa just take land? It didn't make sense. Even if his old pride did it, he seems smart enough to know that's not how things work here. I went to the Lion Guard and told them what happened.
"I know what you mean. I felt uneasy about Kopa since he got here. Every word he said sounded like they were rehearsed. Kopa's hiding something. He doesn't look like he's from around here. He told me that he was tired of searching for his old home. But you said he was with a pride. He lied to one of us." Ono said
"What? Why would he lie? Why would he need to lie?" Fuli asked
"To keep the truth from being exposed. Kion, did Kopa say anything out of the ordinary?" Ono said
"Well before I interrupted him, he said that the animals back where he was from were smarter than the animals here. He said it with distain. Like he didn't want to deal with this anymore." I said
"But he just got here! What's there to deal with?" Bunga asked
"Well, maybe he had a rough first day. You never know what someone else is going through, Little B." Beshte said
"I hate to say this but, I agree with Bunga." Fuli said
"You do?!" Bunga asked
"Yeah. It was only Kopa's first day here and he already caused a scene. How can he judge so hard without having more time to observe? I say we watch him. We can't be sure if he's a friend or foe." Fuli said
"We can't just spy on someone! Maybe that was just a reaction. Besides, I also did some destruction. Maybe it was an accident." Beshte said
"While I want to agree to you, it is unusual how things played out. I think we should monitor Kopa. Ono?" I said
"That was what I was thinking. I already had plans to monitor Kopa." Ono said
"But, if someone else comes, then we can infer that they are working with him. I'll keep a lookout for anything out of the ordinary." Anga said
"I will also lookout. I will tell you if any of us finds anything." Azaad said
"Okay. Everyone, be on guard. We don't know what we're up against." I said
We all went our separate ways and I went to the Tree of Life to talk to Rani. I found her sitting at the rock and I forgot what I was thinking for a moment. She looked so beautiful. The brown eyes. Her beautiful brown fur. I must have been staring because she saw and said
"What's with the googly eyes? Am I that attractive?"
"Uh n-no. I-I mean yes! You are so beautiful."
"Uh huh. *giggles* So, I'm pretty sure you didn't come here to stare at my beauty. What's on your mind." Rani said
"Oh, right. I forgot."
"You forgot. Doesn't sound like the Kion I know."
"Well you distracted me!"
"I'm pretty sure you have no one but yourself to blame for that. Now spill." Rani said
"Well It's about the new lion. Kopa."
"Kopa...? The scarred lion with the brown mane? What about him?" Rani asked
"Yeah that's him. He tried to take Varya's territory and he also doesn't seem like he's telling us the full truth. Ono thinks he lied to either me or him." I explained
"What? Why would he do that?" Rani asked
"I'm not sure. But he's causing problems. I'm not sure if we can trust him. That last time we trusted a new animal was Mama Binturong. And that didn't end well."
"Well we have no evidence not to trust him. But if Ono thinks he's not who he seems, then we should keep an eye on him." Rani said
"Those were my thought exactly. Anga and Azaad are monitoring him as we speak."
"Hoo Hoo! King Kion! Queen Rani! There is another lion at the mountain pass. He looks scary. Dark red mane, dark golden fur." Ullu suddenly said
"Thanks Ullu. We got this. Lion Guard!"
"We heard about the new lion at the pass. Think he's with Kopa?" Fuli asked
"I'm not sure, but we should check. Lion Guard! Rani! Let's go." Kion said
We all went to the mountain pass where we saw the lion Ullu was talking about. He really did look scary. He had a scar on his left eye that looked like mine and Kovu's.
"Hello. Is this the right way to the Tree of Life. One of my friends is there and I want to say hi" the strange lion said menacingly
"Uh yes it is. Who are you?" Rani asked
"My name is Cheka. And you are Prince Kion. It's a pleasure to meet you." Cheka replied
"That's King Kion to you. I'm the King of the Tree of Life." I corrected him
"Yes. I heard about the stories of King Kion. He was the former Lion Guard leader. He defeated Scar. *Growls*"
Before I could even react, Cheka pounced on me.
"What the..?! Get off me!" I yelled
"I heard Prince Kion was a strong fighter. I wanted to test King Kion. Without the Roar." Cheka said
"Get off him!" Kopa yelled
It happened before I could blink. Kopa came and knocked Cheka off of me. When I got up, I saw Kopa standing in an attacking position and Cheka is smiling.
"Hello, my old friend. You gonna betray the Tree of Life like you betrayed my clan?" Cheka asked
"I'm not your friend. And you betrayed me. And now I'm going to enjoy this." Kopa said
I was shocked at just how brutal Kopa was. He was slicing Cheka's stomach and biting his neck. He was trying to end Cheka. Cheka let out a painful roar as Kopa pinned him down. Kopa was about to claw at Cheka's stomach, killing him when Cheka sliced his stomach. Kopa let out a bloodcurdling roar and Cheka pushed him with enough force to make Kopa fly onto me. And he was heavy.
"Ha ha ha! Pathetic! You tried to kill me and you failed miserably! That was fun but I suppose I have to kill the traitor and avenge my father." Cheka said
"Your father? Who is..."
"Wow. Clever King Kion couldn't figure this out? Scar. My father is Scar. I was a newborn cub when Simba killed my father. And I was wandering the Savanna when I heard about his resurrection and defeat by the paws of Simba's adolescent son. So I realized that to avenge him, I'd have to kill Simba's son. That way I could hit him where it hurt worst. Then I could kill him. That way, I'd be able to avenge both of his deaths. So I've been taking directions to here. Now, it's time that you get what you deserve." Cheka explained
"No!" Rani yelled as she pounced on Cheka. Cheka easily swatted her away though.
Fuli jumped to attack Cheka but he swatted her away too
"Fuli!" Azaad yelled
"Do you have any more tricks or am I going to get my treat?" Cheka asked menacingly
"Actually, I do have another trick. But you're not going to like it." I said. I prepared to use the Roar and everyone ran behind me. Bunga even pushed Kopa behind me to Kopa's annoyance. Wind started to pick up at increasing speeds until I roared. The clouds changed to look like the Great Lions of the Past roaring with me. A small vortex formed underneath Cheka. The vortex grew in size as it lifted Cheka off the ground. Then the vortex blew away at shocking speeds. When I looked around, Kopa was standing there dumbfounded.
"What was that?"
"It was my Roar. It's called the Roar of the Elders. I learned how to master the Roar at Cikha Escarpment, where I met Askari." I explained
"Wow. So the rumors were true. I remember that Cheka learnt about you from 2 leopards, a Komodo Dragon, and a Binturong. They first showed him to the Tree and he's been waiting for the right moment to reveal himself." Kopa said
"2 leopards." Fuli said
"A Komodo Dragon." Beshte said
"And a Binturong?" Bunga questioned
"Makucha." I growled
"Okay that's it!" Ono yelled "I'm tired of your little secrets that you don't tell until something happens. Whatever secrets you're hiding, spill!"
"Ono! You can't just make someone reveal their secrets! Maybe Kopa has a reason to keep them secret." Beshte said
"No, he's right. You should've known that I was being hunted. I left their clan about a month ago. I came to the Tree of Life in search of protection from them. I wasn't lying when I said I came here for a home. But I didn't mention that I needed protection. Cheka was taken from Scar when he was a newborn cub by a pride that was visiting. The pride's leader lost his son and Cheka looked like a good replacement. But somehow, Cheka learned who his real father was and he vowed to end Simba. He said that Zira was useless, a pathetic excuse of a lion. She couldn't even kill a cub! And another cub defeated her without even trying. Kovu was Cheka's replacement and Cheka hated his guts. But we could never find our way to the Pridelands. So Cheka decided to become strong enough to take on the Pridelands first. We were conquering lands and growing our numbers but we were never strong enough. Until we learnt about the Tree of Life. With its power, we would have the numbers and the strength to defeat Simba's Pride, once and for all." Kopa explained
"That doesn't explain why you left. Seems like you also wanted revenge." Fuli said
"I left because Cheka was obsessed with avenging a lion he never knew. Cheka had a mate and a son. But we came to a land where their leader was unwilling to give in unless we gave him something worth his while. He offered his mate and his young son. And the king agreed. After that, I knew I couldn't stay there. So one night, I tried to sneak out. But he found out and I ran for my life. The traitors to his pride are killed. His scar, it was my only way of getting out. He let me escape. But I regret my decision. I also have a mate and a cub. I want to get them out of that pride and to here." Kopa said
"He did all of that?" I asked
"Wait a minute. How do you know Zira? She's not that well known." Ono asked
"Uh well because Cheka kept talking about her and her cubs. I don't really know her." Kopa said
"We have to stop him." Fuli said
"Agreed." Ono said
"Yup." Anga said
"How do we defeat someone who is willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of his goal?" I asked
"The same way you defeated Scar." Fuli said

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