1. The beginning

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I still think about the times that we were together. His scent has now become overwhelming. The way he would look into my eyes. The cute nicknames he would call me. It always made me smile. It was short and brief. I feel like all of the happy moments overtook the memories and ruined them for me. I was so blind the whole time. knew the chances of things going downhill yet, I still made the choice to engage with him. Little did I know that things would get worse and worse. I was so confident that things would work. Or in other words, I had hope. But, in exchange, I got traumatized and something that was once a part of me that was so quickly taken. He said he loved me. I believed him and I loved him back. If I would have known that things would go so badly and me being the one feeling cheated and left alone. The very questions in my mind kept replaying, "What have I done?", "What did I do to deserve this?", " How do I make things better?".

I guess that things don't really make sense without some backstory. My name is Piper. I am currently 19. I live in  Salt Lake City, Utah. I haven't always lived in Utah. I moved around a lot as I was growing up. But, Utah is the place that I have lived in by far compared to past places. I have grown into the thought of loving it here. At first, I didn't know what to think when I first got here. All I wondered was if things would work out for me and have a chance of having a normal life with normal people. Is that too much to ask? 

It has just been my mom and my two siblings. Our dad isn't in the picture. He had different thoughts and decisions about being a dad and chose to do horrible things to my mother and their marriage. 

 When I was younger I wondered why he wasn't in my life and what could I have possibly done for me to not have a father. I still don't know the answer to that question.

We moved to Utah to be close to my mom's family due to my mom having health issues and losing her job. Before moving here I hadn't met my grandparents or aunts and uncles, or at least that I can remember. 

 I was in fifth grade when I moved here which was a major part of my childhood up until now is what I remember. I never really made a lot of friends. There was a lot of bullying but I still pressed on.  Things got pretty bad so I went to homeschooling for a while but for my senior year, I came back.

It all started when I was entering the time of my senior year of high school. I didn't know very much about the adult world and how to survive in it. My life was very different from others around me, I was no grand picture or all rainbows and sunshine. Not everyone knew my whole life story up to this present moment. It's not like I was hiding it or pretending it was inexistent people just never cared to ask. I am actually really open to talking about hard things or just things in general. I guess the five-plus years of therapy have finally paid off.

Okay. I think that is enough to fill in for a little while. Let's go back to the beginning where everything started.

It is my last first day of school and I am nervous. I hope I will meet someone nice to become friends with. I feel like it is a good time to be optimistic. I hope that people won't realize that I am the girl that left because she couldn't 'Handle being in high school'. It has been a couple of years so they shouldn't recognize me.

  I pull the outfit off my bed and quickly put it on. While standing in front of the mirror I smile and think about when I went to the store with my mom and picked out together. She has always had a thing for looking good and classy. That has played in hand with me not having to worry about her suggesting something ugly. She is the only person I trust with my outfit coordination.

As I climb the stairs a sweet smell brushes against my nose. French toast. The best breakfast to wake up to.

" Mmmm, it smells so good in here. Is that french toast I smell?" I see the familiar white strings around her neck and back. She has always loved that ugly apron that looks like a jail jumpsuit, she leans over the stove and turns to face me.

"Morning. I thought that it would be nice to wake up to for the first day of school." She smiles the spatula still in her hand.

" Anytime you cook is the best. No offense Piper."  Leo spits out with his mouth stuffed full of food.

I smile as he looks at me as if I am going to hurt him. I guess I will let him be today. But there are no promises for tomorrow. He will probably do something that gets on my nerves later.

My thoughts are interrupted by my mom setting down the plate of goodness on the table.

" Stop thinking about ways to be rude to your brother."  She is always able to read my mind. It's freaky. Maybe it's just one of those mom superpowers to intuition.

I roll my eyes at her comment and look over at Emmet chuckling to himself.  She smacks my hand with the spatula as I go to grab another piece of food.

" Piper. You're doing it again. Stop plotting a scheme over there to do something to your brothers."

" I'm sure that I am not the only one thinking of some things to annoy my siblings," I say back as I focus my eyes on the two boys.

" Hurry and eat. You don't want to be late for your first day of school." I nod as I stuff the last of my food in my mouth and grab my backpack

I get out of the chair and look at my mom.

" Come here. you look like you could use a hug." She has her arms out ready to embrace me,

" I will always take a hug from you. I love you. I should get going so Leo isn't late."

" Look at my girl, being all responsible and thoughtful. Emmet could learn a thing or two from you."

I giggle as I tie the last two shoelaces on my shoes. " I will take that as a compliment."  She lets out a small chuckle.

" If people try to give you a hard time, just remember that they are not worth your time." She still continues to surprise me. I don't know why I still have the fear of people doing things to me. It was a long time ago yet it still bothers me.

" Thanks, mom. Have a good day." I smile and walk out the front door to my car.

"Hurry up, Piper. You're going to make us late. If I am late to class I'm blaming you." Leo says as he gets into the car.

I shrug at him and smile. " Deal."



Heyyy guys! I decided after I started writing the BTS fan fic, I wanted to change some things up and create something different. There are some pretty juicy, crazy, and funny things coming your way! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.



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