He's not here

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After getting out of the car and shaking my head at Leo somewhat in denial that I like Luca, I feel my phone vibrate against my jeans.

Oh? I didn't think he would reach out so fast. Why is a simple text message making my heart pound against my chest?


Hey, I know it's soon to reach out considering school just ended. But, I wanted to ask you something...

Ask me something. Now I feel even more nervous. I can't act or reply weirdly. The last thing I want is for things to be awkward. And let's say I have lots of experience in that field. Not a good thing. Period.


Oh, hey! No worries. I just got home. What's up?

Ugh, why did I have to put the exclamation mark on there?! Now I sound over-enthusiastic. I am such a mess. What is wrong with me?!

I sigh and toss my phone onto the couch cushion next to me.

Suddenly my mom's presence is made known when I see her figure brisk past me.

"You're overthinking things again, honey." She sings before making her way upstairs to her room. My head snaps up in shock once again at her ability to know what I'm thinking.

I swear this mother intuition thing is a superpower. I didn't even have to say anything.

"You don't have to. A mother always knows." She giggles standing at the top of the stairs amused by my reaction to her comments.

Even my brother can read me and my thoughts. What is it with my whole family knowing everything I think?! Maybe I'm just really predictable. Probably the second one.

My phone vibrates once again instantly gaining my attention making me grab it.


Ever since we hung out during lunch I started thinking of the other cool spots I go to around town and one of them just came to mind. I know this place that has really good ice cream. Would you maybe want to go together sometime?

A shriek escapes my mouth as my eyes scan over the text over and over trying to believe the word on the screen.

"Did he just ask me out?!" My body takes control and I find myself standing in the middle of the living room.

No, you can't overthink things. We are just friends. He is just a friend asking if I want to get ice cream, as friends. I need to chill out.


Sure! That sounds like fun! Just text me the details and the day you want to go.


Sounds good. See you at school.

I wonder how things will go when we hang out next. But, why would someone as popular as him want to hang out with a nobody like me? He's friends with half of the school. Wouldn't he want to hang out with his buddies?

I pull out the two books out of my backpack and decide to do my homework. Not just because it needs to be done but, I also want to think about things that aren't Luca.

After some time of working, I finally finish and go into the kitchen seeking to find a snack but to my surprise, my mom is in the kitchen preparing dinner.

" Hey, I didn't hear you come down. I thought that you were still in your room." I say while opening the pantry door looking for some chips.

" I came down about 30 minutes ago. You were so focused on your homework, that you didn't hear or see me when I walked past you. How was school today, sweetie?" She chops up some vegetables and mixes them into a mixture in a bowl making me curious about what she is making.

" It was good. classes aren't hard and the homework wasn't bad either. I hung out with Luca during lunch. We found this shed on campus that was full of old furniture from the drama and ate in there." I smile thinking about how much fun I had.

" You must like this boy. Anytime you talk about him you have a big smile. I saw you in the living room on your phone. Judging by the look on your face he must have asked you out?" She proded around trying to gather more information on this boy.

" Well, I wouldn't call it asking me out. We're just friends. He asked if I wanted to grab some ice cream with him." I feel my cheeks turn warm making me feel a little shy.

Moms are always skeptical when it comes to boys. It makes me nervous when she asks a bunch of questions. I guess there's nothing to worry about though, right?

" Well, I want you to be careful around him, honey. You've just met him and can't trust him. I just want you to be safe. We can't have my baby getting messed with or mama bear might need to pay someone a visit." She says sounding a little defensive making me giggle.

She's right. Seeing the mama bear surface can be a scary thing to witness. But, in all seriousness I don't know much about Luca and feel that I can trust him yet. I'm excited to get to know him though. His life sounds intriguing to me.

I smile appreciating her concern and looking out for me. She always has.

" I will Mom. I promise. I don't know why I like him. I think he's the first guy friend that I've had that isn't hanging out with me for the wrong reasons."

She walks over to me putting her hand on my back and comforting me.

" Yeah, you have always struggled to find a good genuine friend with good intentions. Hopefully, he can be that for you." I hug and thank her.

The rest of the night went well and dinner was good as always. I went to bed feeling better about making new friends and memories with people at this new school.


The blaring alarm honks throughout my room making me groan and desperate to disable it and keep sleeping.

A knock on my door is heard making me just out of bed worrying that I'm already late for school.

"Wake up, honey. You don't want to be late for school. I have some breakfast ready for you on the table. I have to head out to work. Have a good day at school. Love you!" And with that, she was gone leaving me still groggy trying to get ready.

After stuffing a piece of toast in my mouth and grabbing my backpack I meet my brother in my car already waiting.

" Did you stay up late or something? You usually are on time and ready to go." He asks waiting for my answer.

" Not really, I am just more tired than usual today. We should get to school on time though." I reply starting the car.

The school day was uneventful and somewhat sad noticing that Luca wasn't there. So I just ate lunch with Harper and talked about random things. Went home and did some homework, then decided to text Luca and ask why he wasn't at school today feeling somewhat worried he might be sick or somthing to that effect.


Hey,  I didn't see you at school today. Are you sick ?


Hey, I slept in late and just decided to stay home and do my schoolwork at home. DId I miss anything in class?

Oh, well I'm glad that he isn't sick. I may have low key missed him.


I'm glad you're not sick. You didn't miss anything important at school. We just took some notes. I'll share them with you when I see you next.


Thank you. I was thinking since today is friday and it's the weekend now.  Are you busy tomorrow? I thought it would be a good time to get some ice cream like we talked about earlier.


Oh, sure! Tomorrow works great.


Awesome, I will text you the details in the morning!


Sounds good. See you then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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