7. Can I have your number?

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Everyone splits into pairs and Luca buzzlines his way to me.

"Do you want to be my partner?" He asks trying to be polite.

"I thought you'd never ask." I smile and let out a small giggle.

Everyone's attention is refocused on the teacher as he speaks up giving us directions on how to proceed.

"Okay class, now that you all have partners, I'll tell you the exercises we will do. We are going to practice the mirror technique. " He pauses and everyone looks at each other, a little silence and tension sneaking into the room.

I lock eyes with Luca and I see a faint smile make its way on his face but quickly disappearing as fast as it came.

The teacher's voice breaks us out of the weird long moment of staring at each other making me grateful it ended. I shift my head toward the teacher while he gains my attention hoping that Luca doesn't notice how nervous and shy I am of the situation.

I don't know. I can't explain the way he makes me feel. It's like he doesn't even have to do anything to make me feel nervous that I may say the wrong thing or embarrass myself.

"I want you to put both your hands in the air and have your partner meet their hands in the same position until they are touching."

I see the other student quickly follow the directions and look at Luca making me feel rushed and nervous to touch his hands. Suddenly, my body freezes and he grabs both my hands putting them in the air and pushing his against my palms.

All the blood drains from my face and somehow rushes back making my cheeks the color of a tomato.

"Next, I want you to move your hands in another direction making sure to follow or essentially mirror the other."

Luca moves his hand outwards away from us and I quickly follow resulting in me smiling at how cool it looks how we move as if we are one.

" Good. Very good. Now I want you guys to keep doing things doing your best to follow the other," he says as he starts to make his rounds around the room.

Our bodies bend over and away from each other. Also, to the side and low to the ground occasionally hearing a couple of giggles from each other.

"This isn't as bad as I was anticipating. It's actually kind of fun." Luca says as moves his body in a weird way with me immediately trying to copy him.

I nod my head in agreement and smile back at him.

Suddenly he takes a step closer so our bodies are mere centimeters from each other making me slightly panic on the inside not knowing what to do next.

I can feel his breath brush against my face and I shyly look into his eyes but makes me even more nervous than before.

His eyes bounce between my eyes and lips and he inches closer with our lips barely touching each other but soon ends once he clears his throat making me snap back into reality.

"Mmm, I'd say we got the whole concept down." I take a step back feeling a little shy but happy to be not as close as I was moments ago.

If he wouldn't have broken the silence, would I have kissed him? I'm not even sure how I feel about him. But somehow everything he does intrigues me.

Class ends shortly after completing all the exercises giving me a sense of relief from making consistent eye contact with Luca.

I start to text Leo letting him know I'm making my way to my car but suddenly stopped by a light tap on my shoulder making me face the culprit.

"Hey, I had fun with you during lunch and class. Would you care if we exchanged numbers with each other? Just in case you know, wanna go to our little hang out place and eat lunch." His eyes dart to his hands fiddling with each other feeling a little scared of being told something other than yes.

He's asking me for my number?! I was going to ask him for his later but, he asked for it before I did. I'm not complaining. It'll be nice to have a good friend to chill with.

"Sure. I had fun at lunch too." I answer back handing him my phone.

He enters it in and I notice the little smirk on his face making me do the same. I start to feel surprised that I wasn't the one to initiate everything that we did together.

"Here, I just sent a text to my number. Let me make sure I got it..." he hurries and pulls his phone out too nodding when his phone rings indicating a notification.

"Awesome, I just got it. I'll probably text you soon?" He slings his backpack on his shoulder getting ready to leave.

I nod and wave goodbye before walking out to the car.

Leo gets into the car throwing his backpack in the back seat and lets out a big sigh.

"Rough day?" I ask.

He nods saying nothing but still looks out the window watching the passing tress and houses but then looks over at me.

"What's got you smiling like that? Is it some boy? Actually I don't even have to ask that question. I already know. Who is this punk?" He blurts out as I try to hide a smile trying not to laugh.

"What? Punk?! You don't even know him and you're calling him names?" I shake my head feeling annoyed.

" I don't have to even know him to know that he's a punk. I don't like him already. You've been all smiley and bright lately. I don't like it. I want the old you back."

"The old me? I'm pretty sure I haven't changed or at least I think so." I trial off starting to wonder if he is right.

"You just wait until I tell mom about this tumbleweed. She'll agree with me. You're not allowed to have a boyfriend." He folds his arms resting them on his chest and focusing his attention back out the window.

"For the record, mom already knows. And who said anything about having a boyfriend. We're just friends. We have a couple classes together so we see each other often. So why not become friends?"

Am arrogant scoff echoes throughout the car.

"That whole explanation wasn't needed. I could have used that 15 seconds on something else that I will never get back, you know?You like this guy don't you?!"

"No!!" I spit back feeling a little irritated.

He nods having a mocking smirk.

"Yeah,sure. You like him."

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