Rebel Love Song

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I crept into the large school, my hoodie wrapped tightly around my small body. I could feel the stares from the student body, since I was the new kid. Walking to the door that read 'office' in black box letters, I almost turned on my heel and ran back home. 'C'mon Alex you can do this.' I tried to give myself a pep talk... only it didn't work. My anxiety was going to eat me alive, all I wanted to do was crawl into a ball and never move except the hormonal teens would probably step on me.

"Hello." A bubbly woman at the front desk said, reaching got my note that explained that I was mute, my name is Alexander William Gaskarth through I prefer Alex and I was a Sub without a Dom. The bubbly woman, whose name I still didn't know nodded before handing me a sheet of paper with all my classes.

English: Mrs. Levi (Sub) 8:35 - 10:00
Math: Mrs. Kane (Dom) 10:20 - 11:37
Gym: Mr. Del (Dom) 12:25 - 1:42
Music: Mrs. Del (Sub) 1:42 - 3:05

"Mr Levi will take you to your A block class since his Sub teaches it. He'll explain everything." I nodded and sent her a smile... a very fake smile. Mr. Levi didn't say anything as we headed to English but students stayed well away and didn't try anything like they would at my old school. I'm a Sub with no Dom, who's mute and scared of everything, so I was picked on a lot.

"Here we are Alex. Don't worry, I'll explain everything to my wife, you also have the same time sheet as another one of her students. But he's a Dom and can get pretty scary but I think that it's just all rumors because his family owns a lot of things here on Baltimore." I nodded. "He also doesn't have his Sub so maybe..." Mr. Levi just trailed off, Mrs. Levi had said something and a boy lifted his hand. "Go on Alex." Mr. Levi nodded towards the kid. "That's Jack. Good luck, use protection." And with that Mr. Levi walked out of the room.


I sat next the Jack Barakat and he must have noticed how rigid I was.

"-Not going to hurt you." He introduced himself and I handed him a note back since I wasn't going to talk to him. Hell I wasn't planning to get close to this Dom, the last one- bad Alex! Stop thinking!

Alex Gaskarth, Sub.

I think Jack Barakat is indeed my Dom. Fuck! I hope he doesn't turn out like Josh. I'm going to play this out like I'm not his Sub because I don't want to believe in love.


So, I'm gonna try and write some smut and sexual stuff.
So here.

Jack pushed Alex gently onto the bed, but before the older boy could do anything, Alex was off the bed and on his knees. Jack blinked. "Lex, what are you going?" The timid Sub who was starting to get comfortable to the Dom didn't say anything as he gripped Jack's belt tightly before pulling it undone. "Lex-" The Dom cut himself off when he felt his length enter a warm cavern.

What that good? Or should I get someone to write it for me? HELP!


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