Chapter I - History is Written by the Victors

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"Oh, hey Sausage!"

Jimmy landed beside the Protector of Sanctuary who was busying himself by filling the community chests at his embassy with goodies.

"Hello there, sheriff!" he said cheerfully, closing the chest with a small click and turning to face him. His face reddened as he looked down at the sheriff, trying to hold back laughter. "I see that you are still in toy size,"

Jimmy groaned at his reference.

"I am not a toy, Sausage!" he yelled, before recomposing himself by drawing a breath in. "I just wanted to have a nice, non toy-related conversation with you, but somehow, every single conversation I participate in, my size always makes its way into it!"

Sausage smirked.

"Well of course, Jimmy," he said, raising an eyebrow and cracking a smile. "Size is very important. I mean, no offence, because of course without the Lore Potion you are average height, but let's be real: Who really wants something small?"

Jimmy sighed.

He really does deserve the title of the King of Innuendos, he thought, trying to shake the memory of the odd banana talk that Lizzie, Sausage and Scott invested in a few weeks back.

"Anyway, have you seen Hermitopia?" he asked, and Jimmy looked up at him with interest.

"What do you mean, Hermitopia-"

The shorter man turned to face the building, and his jaw hit the floor.

"Pretty impressive, isn't it?"

Jimmy nodded without a sound.

The whole thing was covered head to toe in glass.

"Pix is absolutely insane," Jimmy said, gaping at the exhibit-like box sealing the building from the outside.

"You know, I would have used the words 'ambitious' and 'determined', considering how many grovelling hours and shulkers worth of glass he must have put into that, but if I do say so myself, 'insane' sums it up pretty well," Sausage agreed.

He turned to Jimmy.

"Do you think there are any gaps in the glass?" he asked.

The sheriff shook his head. "If I know anything about Pix, he would've placed every block by hand with no help and no machinery, just to ensure its reliability,"

He sighed at the thought of having to keep those ridiculous walls that pathetic excuse of a god built.

You can't have thoughts like that Jim, he reprimanded scornfully. That war is over, and we've become best buds.

Pulling his thoughts back into reality, he turned to Sausage.

"Why? You don't think you'll be able to find gaps in that impenetrable glass case, do you?"

Sausage looked at Jimmy with a smile.


And with that, he pulled the trigger to his elytra and set off his firework rockets in search of a gap.

"Complete manchild," Jimmy muttered, looking up as the figure of Sausage got smaller and smaller.

"Then again, I am also well and truly a complete manchild," he added knowledgeably, before pulling the trigger to his own wings and taking off after him.

Both of them had the same train of thought, it seemed, for when Jimmy soared higher into the air, he heard a bloodcurdling scream that was undoubtedly Sausage as he neared the top of the tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2023 ⏰

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