Part 3

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(Edric POV)

Emira was in my room helping me pick out an outfit. I was debating wether to wear a binder or not since i had been wearing it the whole day at school and was currently not wearing while deciding.
"You could wear it during the games and some of the movie, but take it off to sleep—obviously— and maybe at some point during the movie" Emira suggested.
"That's probably the best thing to do," i said "i better get dressed since they'll be here soon"

Just as I said that the doorbell rang and we ran to my window to see Viney standing and the door wearing orange pijama pants and a dark blue shirt, she also had a duffel bag on her shoulder. Emira's face lit up as she blushed and ran downstairs to let Viney inside. I chuckled and went to get dressed.

A few minutes later I was laying in the living room downstairs wearing dark sweatpants and a dark blue T-shirt,
scrolling through Penstagram. Emira and Viney talking with Amity.

Ding dong

He's here! I shot up from the couch, shoving my scroll into my sweatpants' pocket and running to open the door.
" Hi Hunter!" I said, probably sounding too exited.
"Hey Ed" he said with a smile as he walked in
"hey Luz" I said, in a tone less exited than it was for Goldie's - hopefully not too noticeable. She was too busy hugging Amity to notice anyway, both of them red but Mittens was full on tomato.
" Hey" she said to me Emira and viney.

"Why's there a bird nest on your head?" Hunter asked as Flapjack sat on my shoulder and Huntie ruffled my hair a little. He was so cute doing that.

"Haha I was laying down that's probably why"

I pulled him inside and we talked for a bit. Everyone went up to put their stuff in the rooms they'd be sleeping in — Viney with Emira, Luz with Mittens, and Hunter with me. I was a little nervous about that since I'd be sleeping without a binder so I thought it might be weird for him. Im not sure why I felt so nervous about that. We do these sleepovers at least twice a month, why would this one be different?

I shrugged it off and waited with Hunter for everyone else in the kitchen so we could make dinner. They were taking a while so we decided to get a head start a d cook for us two.

"So what kind of pasta do you want?" I asked him reaching into the pantry, "we got penne, spaghetti, and rotini"

This make him giggle a little, making me blush, before answering "penne is fine, haha"

"ok but I need a little help since it's up there" I said pointing to a shelf near the top, just out of my reach.

"And how do you suppose I can help you reach it? You know you're taller than me"

I thought for a bit and got an idea. I crouched a little, "hop on, shortie"

"Are you kidding me right now? Calling me that again?" He said in a serious tone while climbing into my back.

"Come on, just grab the pasta, shortie" this make him pull my hair a little "Ow!"

"You deserved that" he said in a smug tone as I lowered him near the stove where we'd started boiling water.

I couldn't help but stare at him as he poured the pasta into the water.
He looked so focused but so goofy too, I just want to cuddle him all day and do nothing but talk about everything and nothing.

Just as that was done, I was finishing up setting our places at the kitchen counter. He split the pasta in two bowls and I poured some sauce and mozzarella cheese on them.
We were just about to begin eating when the girls finally joined us in the kitchen and made their food.

(Time skip to after dinner)

(Hunter's POV)

We sat around the living room in our pairs, each under a blanket watching a movie Luz and Amity found in the human realm when searching for human junk to sell at the Bonesborough market.

Luz, Raine and I had figured out how to use the human stuff a few years ago and had tried teaching our friends but it was a little confusing at first. Now we use human stuff all the time.

The movie we were watching was called Luca. I've seen it multiple times and usually tear up a little at the end but this time i was barely keeping my eyes open by then since it was nearly midnight.

Once it was over, i was about to stand up to go to bed when I noticed a weight on my shoulder and softy yet rough hair stroking my neck and jaw when I shifted. I turned my head a little to see the most adorable thing ever... A sleeping Edric with a soft smile on his face leaning on my shoulder.

"I'm gonna head to bed and I'll carry him up with me" i whispered to Amity who was the closest to me since i didn't want to wake Ed up.

"Alright, good night" she replied, she was cuddling with Luz on the couch me and Ed were leaning against.

"Goodnight" i said and whoever was awake replied the same.

I carried Ed bridal style up the stairs and down the hall to his room. My face felt like it was on fire from having him so close and him looking so cuddly with the blue, fluffy blanket on him.

Gently, i set him on the side of the bed he prefers before laying next to him, a little over twenty centimetres between us. He rolled onto his side so we were facing each other. I watched him sleep for a bit, his face calm, his shoulders rising and falling with each breath he took.

I smiled a bit as my eyes felt heavy.

(Edric's POV)

I opened my eyes just just enough that I saw him look at me for a bit, his eyes blinking slowly as he was falling asleep. I couldn't help it and I found myself stroking his head as I often did when we had sleepovers and he was stirring from a nightmare and it always seemed to help because he always fell asleep or calmed down quickly.

He didn't know i did this. He would definitely find it weird if he knew. I could never let him find out.

I felt myself get closer when he turned around and his back was to me and i wrapped my arms around him by his waist.

I felt so much better when I did this but at the back of my head there was that voice again.

He's probably dreaming about Willow

I did my best to block it out and sleep and eventually i managed to once Hunter turned and put his arms around me.

He would rather do this with her.

I hoped you liked the chapter :)

Have day/night

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