Chapter 8

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 Mad at Leo, I go to my locker, hoping he's not there. He is. Ugh.

 "What's up?" I ask, trying to be chill.

 "Lauren, hey. I... I'm just gonna say what I have to say, ok?" he doesn't wait for an answer, "I know what I did was wrong. I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry. If you don't forgive me, I'll never forgive myself, either. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend again...  well actually I am. But I hope you can forgive me, at least." he sighs, taking my hand in his. Before I can answer, he speaks again,"Even though I did what I did," he leans closer to me, "we both know that..." our noses are touching, "that, you're the one I want," he says, closing the gap between us.

 I have to admit, ThatIDidEnjoyThatKiss.

 "Lauren Santiago, please prepare yourself for your presentation," Mrs. Kiida says. I frown and start gathering my papers, then make my way to the podium. I catch Leo winking at me. I roll my eyes at him, but unfortunately, Mrs. Kiida seems to notice, too.

 "Lauren, did I just see you roll your eyes?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

 "Me? What...? No, of course not, sir- I mean, Ma'am," I mutter.

 "Right. Lauren, after your presentation, detention." she states.

 After my presentation, while everyone's still clapping, Leo comes up to me quickly and crashes his lips on to mine. Right in front of my class and teacher. Yay. And even better, it was not exactly the most child friendly kiss. #sorrynotsorry. So when I finally pull away, we walk off to detention together, hand in hand. This is the last I see of him.

 My cruise ship, called Exploriida, has everything. It has a mall, a pool, a tennis court, a rock climbing wall, and an arcade and cinema. So, being the adventurous, tough girl that I am, I took off towards the rock climbing wall.

 When I finished climbing, at the top, I tried to get down. Apparently I did something wrong because the next moment, I was falling. Oh god, I'm going to die now. Goodbye, world. It was nice meeting you. Then I hit something, which I assume is the ground. Just as I let myself believe that I was dead, I heard a voice.

 "Gotcha," he said. I find myself staring into the most beautiful eyes on this planet. This boy has literally saved my life. Like, I would be dead if he weren't standing there. It's like, we were meant to be. If that's even possible.

 "I..." I can't even.

 "You okay?" he said, with obvious concern in his green eyes.

 "Me? Huh? What? I mean... Yes, I'm okay. Are you?" Oh my god I am so pathetic.

 "I mean, I didn't mean to say that... I meant to say... Thank you, yeah, thanks for saving my life," damn, could I be any more obvious? A small smile played at his lips,

 "I'm better now that you're in my arms," he said, putting me upright. I blushed. Big time.

 "Uh... thanks. I'm Lauren, Lauren Santiago. I thought..." I didn't have time to finish,

 "...Maybe we could get to know each other?" he asked hopefully. I smiled, nodding,

 "I would love to, ...?"

 "Jason. Jason Stone. Nice to meet you, Lauren, Lauren Santiago." he grinned. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lead me away.

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