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Y/n lay in her marui pod, staring at the ceiling. So much had changed here after the arrival of the Sully family. The tulkun had lost so many of their kind. Ronal had lost her spirit sister. It was a blessing she still bore her baby. Although the Omaticaya clan was now considered a friendly ally, Y/n refused to interact socially. Ronal and Tonowari had encouraged their adoptive daughter to interact with the Metkayina, but she still refused.

Although Y/n was forgiven by the Sea People for her banishment from the Forest People (which the Sully family could be thanked for), Y/n did not want to show her face. She had seen the Sully children around, before and after the great fight. There was one missing, however. Neteyam. The funeral was an occasion drowned in crippling misery. His body had been returned to the sea by Jake, the father, Neytiri, the mother, Kiri, Tuktirey, and Lo'ak, the siblings, and Spider, the strange human outcast. Y/n was present at this occasion. To not be would displease the Great Mother.

There was one person in the family Y/n could not stop thinking about. The mother, Neytiri. She was once part of Omaticaya clan. She knew of Y/n's banishment and the disgrace it brought. This knowledge alone was enough to keep Y/n a hermit. Her skin pigmentation was quite different from that of Sea People, she would be instantly recognisable. Being mistaken as Kiri was not the problem; being mistaken as Neytiri's daughter was.

Exiled for allegedly assisting in the Sky People's assault on Eywa, Y/n was banished after a group of Na'vi witnessed her conversing with the Sky People. Specifically, Y/n was introducing Dr Grace Augustine, a scientist possessing an Avatar body, to Eywa. After praying to Eywa, Y/n told Dr Grace that Eywa would let her take a sample of herself to study. A glowing tendril then gracefully fell from Eywa's branches, and rested on Dr Grace's shoulders.

However, after that event, the Sky People attacked. And it was Y/n's fault. She begged and pleaded to not be exiled, but ultimately Tsu'tey and Mo'at, the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk respectively, banished her. For a Sky Person had been led to Eywa by a Na'vi, and this alone was a sin. Soon after Y/n's exile, word spread of Tsu'tey's death. Y/n returned for Tsu'tey's funeral, although hiding in the forest. It was dishonourable to miss, much like the funeral of Neteyam.

Still, staying alone had its downsides. Most days were spent-

"Y/n? Y/n, are you alright?"

Y/n snapped out of her trance and sat up. Tonowari, Y/n's adoptive father and Olo'eyktan of the Metkayina clan, knelt down beside her. "Why do you hide? You are strong. Your kind are welcome here now," Tonowari sighed, placing his hand on Y/n's leg. Y/n rested her head on her knees. "I do not wish to be seen by the Toruk Makto's mate," Y/n whispered.

"Neytiri does not wish ill upon you."

"You know how she will be! I am exiled from the Omaticaya clan. She could never accept me."

"You thought that about us Sea People too, once," Tonowari reminded Y/n.

"It does not matter. I have stayed here for so long, I'll stay here forever," Y/n muttered.

"Ronal has told Neytiri about you," Tonowari stated.

"What?" Y/n gasped, flicking her gaze to Tonowari. "No, this cannot be. I will disgust her, I will bring shame to her family."

"She expects to reunite with you in the evening, at dinner," Tonowari said sternly, "I will not see you hide in your Marui pod any longer. You are part of the Metkayina clan, you are one of the Sea People. When will you start acting like one?"

"I always act like one of the-

"You are blessed by the Great Mother that we took you in. I would hate to see you squander that gift any more than you already have."

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