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Ghost's POV:
I was running and running for what felt like hours but only minutes. I had so much adrenaline rushing through my body because of Soap and Me.
I finally came to a stop around a little city area. It felt weird and wrong being there because it was so quiet there and so empty. I ran into a little building to gather myself together. I looked around a figured it out that it was a church and I sat there and panicked. Thinking all of this was my fault for Soap and the others.

Ghost sat there having all these thoughts rush through his head until he heard a familiar voice through his comms. "Ghost. This is bravo 7-1 how copy?" It was Soap. Ghost thought to himself darting his eyes everywhere. He soon came to his senses and calmed his breathing and responded to Soap. "Soap this os Ghost how copy?" No response. "Johnny? This is Ghost how copy?" His voice cracking with worry. "This is Soap copy." Ghost sighed with relief knowing he was alive. "Thought we lost you there Johnny." Ghost said with relief. All Ghost could think was that he could hear Soap's heavy breathing and winces from his pain. See Ghost was used to the sounds of pain from others but when he heard it from Soap he felt different about it, like he wanted to kill Graves for hurting him or maybe hold Soap and make sure he's okay? Ghost told Soap where he was and waited for him guiding him all the way there.

Skip a bit of time:
Ghost and Soap are now in the truck on their way to Alejando's base.

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