The Pain

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Ghost's POV:
I awoke with a terrible headache. The last thing I remember was walking in a alley and then a Shadow hitting me saying Graves is gonna love this. "Ow Damnit my wrists are tied together Fuck." As I said that someone walked in and I had to get myself to focus better and I did. "So Ghost this can go two ways, One: you tell me where Soap is or Two: I prick and poke at you until you do." Graves said with a smirk on His  face. "I'll never tell you where he is besides I'll be out of here and you'll be dead in 20 minutes or so." I said that so confidently wish I hadn't for I didn't know what he had waiting for me. Next thing I know he stabbed both of my legs with his sharpest knifes. "AGH MY LEGS! YOU FUCKER." I said in pain as I threw my head back from it. Soon after Graves came up to me and grabbed my face and took my mask off. He stood there and then stepped back for he saw all my scars on my face. He then decided to cut them and cut them deeper than they were before. I had lost so much blood I thought I wasn't going to make it. I winced and screamed out in pain for so long until my phone rang. They answered it. It was Soap but Soap was pissed and filled with rage I could tell by his voice and what he said next. "I will find you and once I do im going to gut you alive until i see your lifeless body on the ground in its own pool of blood." Soap said that with his accent and anger strong as like his words. I screamed out to him. "JOHNNY!!" He went to call out to me too but they ended the call before he could say a word.

Soap sat there filled so many emotions at once he just didn't know what to do. He got up and started punching things, throwing things, destroying everything in his room as he was angered but felt guilt because he let Ghost down. Once Soap stopped he fell to floor next to his bed. He curled up and cried to himself. Alejandro heard everything and ran into his room worried something had happened. He saw Soap's hands covered in blood and his blood on the walls and on some things and he saw Soap there holding himself. "Puta! What happened Mi Amigo?!" Asked Alejandro. Soap looked up at him with swollen red hands and eyes. I called him they answered, my anger took over my head and made me threaten them with their lives and I heard Ghost but they cut him off from me and God knows what they are doing to him?" Soap said before bawling his eyes out in Alejandro's arms. Rudy walked in along with Price. They saw all the blood and sadness that filled the room. "SOAP WHAT HAPPENED?!" Price said loudly which startled Soap. Price then apologized for being loud and Soap nodded. Price got down and took Alejandro's place and saw Soap's hands covered in his own blood. So Price grabbed Soap and took him to the bathroom sure he patched him up.

Skip A Couple Of Months:
Ghost had still not been found. Soap had been kept from all the missions to find Ghost because he had an emotional attachment to him. The team didn't want to give up but it had been months of trying to find him but nothing came up. For all they know they could be chasing after a dead man. They didn't want to let go of this journey but they had to. The team just couldn't keep looking anymore. So they called it off and told Soap despise of how Soap would react.
"Soap we have to say he's gone we're sorry." Price said with his head down. Soap became filled with so much hatred and anger that he yelled at them all about giving up. He then later grabbed his things and left the base to find Ghost himself. "If no one is going to help me then I will have to help myself." Soap said while getting in the car. He drove for hours looking outside the areas the team had looked thinking he would find something and to that he did. He found himself behind a warehouse which was guarded by Graves Shadows. He got out of the car which was parked behind the warehouse. He then got behind the guards and sliced their throats open and watched them drop dead on the ground satisfied. He grinned at their dead bodies as he felt like he was winning for once. That was until he got inside the warehouse and saw Graves with a knife around Ghost's throat. "Don't come any closer or I will slice his throat open eh?" Graves said with a wicked smile. Soap saw how tore up Ghost was and how much blood he had lost. Soap snapped back to protect Ghost and Graves smiled as he knew that Soap and Ghost care deeply for each other, and each other was their weaknesses. Soap frowned at Graves words and stayed back. "You'll regret everything you've done to me and him." Soap said as he gritted his teeth. "Oh will i now?" Graves slowly cut Ghost's chest/Neck area. And in return Ghost winced and groaned from the constant pain he had. This indulged Soap's anger as Graves let go of Ghost and came up to Soap. Soap then launched himself onto Graves making him fall and then Soap SLIT his throat. There was so much anger in Soap's body to the point where he gutted Graves until his body was is in it's own pool of blood just as he promised him. Soap got up covered from head to toe in Graves blood and went over to Ghost.
Ghost winced and groaned but somehow got words out. "Oh Johnny how I've missed you heh." Soap smiled and nodded while he grabbed Ghost gently to help him up. Ghost grunted and winced from all the pain even though Soap was there to help him. Soap got him out of there and back at home where he was patched up and taken care of.

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