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Harry's POV:
When I saw Scot with that tuxedo I felt speechless. He looked gorgeous. Amazing. He looked hot. And I wanted to tell him how I felt but the presenter had to butt in as I wanted to tell him. We went in the back of the stage. When the presenter had announced Scot's name, he felt panicked and scared. And at that moment I thought I could cheer him up a little and take his mind off of this by flirting. I cheered " Go on Scotty. You'll make it." He blushed instantly. I smiled. I loved to see him blush. And his words, how he explained love, it was beautiful. I mean his voice sounded so sexy, and I liked it when he stuttered, it was cute. But now, with no stutter I mean like... Wow. His words were so touching I seriously did not think he had it in him, but I was wrong. And when he finished I took the opportunity to tell him how I felt. "Well well Scotty. I did not know you had it in you. It was touching." He blushed and I came closer to him. I think I scared him away because he was going backwards, until he hit the wall. I approached him until I could feel his breath on my neck (as he was smaller than me). I knew he was a virgin just like I knew he had kissed other boys before me. I put my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. His lips were soft like nobodies business. And they were warm so they felt so so good. He kissed me back with surprise. With a passionate kiss while putting his arms around my neck. It gave me tinkles in my body. And while kissing my to be soon boyfriend, I hear a deep voice say "HARRY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! WHY ARE YOU KISSING THIS BOY?!" It was my dads voice. I blushed. I was embarrassed and scared of what he might do. "COME STRAIGHT HOME NOW." I nodded and put my head down walking over to him as I hear my mum running up to him. I felt released. "JOHN! Don't do this to him. It's his dream to be here!" She pleaded put nothing worked. And as we were all walking through the door I hear surprisingly Scot shouting at my dad. "H..hey." We turned around. "Sir... You should be ashamed of yourself for not accepting who your son is. He is following his heart. Isn't that what you should aime for? I guess not since you don't want him to. You are a selfish mean bustard who can't even act like a real father. You probably don't even care about how he feels because as long as you're happy, it's all that matters." And he didn't get to finish when my father punched Scot in the face. "DAD!" I shouted running to Scot. And my mother shouted to. "John... I'm sorry I haven't done this before but better late than ever right?" And she slapped him real hard. "Don't you ever come back to my house again or I will call the police. And don't you dare talk, look, or go near your son or his friends again. You are a disgrace." She said sounding disgusted pointing a finger at him. "Oh come on darling. I didn't mean to." She lifted her hand to sign that she wasn't listening and to tell him to go. He left. For good I think. My mother came to me and Scot. "Hello sweety. Are you okay?" Scot nodded even though I knew it hurt. I kissed his cheek to show him how thankful I was. And then whispered in his ear "thank you Scotty." He blushed.

After a few minutes, my mother went out of the room because the teachers said she couldn't be here but I assured her we were fine. Scot got dressed in his dance clothes. Not in front of me though. Just when he finished, the presenter announced our names. I held Scot's shoulder as we came in. I sang and he danced brilliantly. We were both in a different world from earth but in the same as each other. It was fabulous. At first I could feel he was stressed but after he was fine. When we finished, everyone was cheering and clapping hands. When we got out of the stage, I looked at Scot. He looked confused. When he looked at me, I said looking down to the floor nervously "em... Do you wanna go out with me?" He looked at me with big eyes and nodded with a huge grin on his face and red cheeks. I smiled. As we were going out I saw a girl's silhouette running towards him and saying "Scot you were amazing. You didn't even stutter! Wow. That was incredible." He smiled. Then we all turned to see his parents. "Wow Scot. Wow. We are so proud of you." His mother, Yvonne said. They turned to me and said "you too. Your singing is incredible." I thanked them. Then my mother came along. "Honey, we've got to go." She then said looking at Scot's parents "hello. I am Harry's mum, Jane.
- Hi. This is Andrew and I'm Yvonne, his mum too." They were all off to a conversation I didn't know the theme since we were talking too. Lila said "em... Are you... Well you know... Well dating?
- em... Yes." I answered. "Really? Wow. That's awesome. I mean you, well, wow." We all giggled.

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