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I forced my self to wake up. It took me all the strength in my body to do so. I woke up and everything was blurry. All I could see was shapes and forms. Then my vision got clearer. I could see white coats. They were doctors. Plenty of doctors. At least 7 of them. "Scot? Are you awake? Do you feel any pain at all?" A doctor asked, putting a lamp in my eyes and checking me. "G... S... E... I..." I couldn't speak. What was happening? "N... B... Y... Ye... Sss..." He understood because he nodded. "That's good. It means you can feel." He said. I was confused. Where was everyone? Where was Harry? "H... F..." I tried saying Harry's name or even saying the word family but nothing wanted to come out. "It's normal you can't form words. It'll come back to you." What was happening to me. I was scared and worried. Then they all left and I was alone. I felt scared. I tried to get up but I didn't even move a muscle. Then the door opened and my parents ran up to me. They had tears in their eyes. "Scot! Oh gosh. We were so scared! Scot!" Was all my mum said. She kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't speak which wasn't practical but I wasn't alone. They cried in my arms. I smiled, but it came out as a grimace. Then the door opened again and the doctors came back. "As you can see your son can't talk but it'll come with time. We'll be making some tests soon and we don't think it's wise to make you look." He said. They nodded and left. "We love you, Scot." My dad said. My mum was to busy crying to talk. And more doctors came into the room. I don't know what they did. Just plenty of tests and stuff. They all left once again and left me all by myself, again. How long was I out for? Did his dad go to prison? What happened? I had so many things to ask. So many questions. And then the door opened. And I saw a pale, crying Harry. He ran up to me and squeezed my hand but I couldn't squeeze his in return. "Scotty! I thought I had lost you! Oh gosh. Scotty. I love you. I'm sorry." He berried his face in the crook of my neck. He removed the hair from face and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was... I don't know. I couldn't kiss him back as I had no strength in my entire body. I felt weak and tired. "G... L... H..." I tried to say something. He frowned. "I... V... R..." This wasn't getting us anywhere. Why's was this happening to me? "V... L... Y..." This made him frown even more. I took a deep breath. "I l... L... Lo...ve y... Y... You." I was able to say it. I made him cry. "I love you Scotty. More than anything." He said between sobs. "W... W...whattt ha... Ha... Happ...ppened?" I asked. His heart skipped a beat. "We'll talk about it later." He smiled sadly and kissed me before he left. I instantly fell asleep.

"Scot here is very sick. He'll recover but it's going to be long. We want to make some more tests but you can take him home in a month. I suggest you tell him everything that happened." I heard a low voice say. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't see much. Everything was blurry. Wait... Wait... I think I see my parents. I tried to move but all I did was twitch my right hand. "Scotty?" I heard Harry say. My parents turned around and the doctor too. I felt something lean over to my right. I tilted my head a little to see his family. Beep. Beep. Beep.Beep.BeepBeepBeep. The beeping of the machine quickened. My heart quickened. The doctor pushed everyone away. "Scot? Look at me. No one is here to hurt you. You are safe. You are in good hands. You are safe." I nodded and calmed down slowly. Everyone sighed in relief. "Scot? Babe?" I heard Harry say. He came closer and had tears in his eyes. I looked at him and smiled or more like tried because I ended up making a face. They all came closer to me. Harry held my hand tightly and my parents were next to him. His parents were on my left. I tried to get up and to my surprise, I did. I got up, felt weak, but nonetheless got up. Harry put his hands on my back. "G...g...get u...u...ppp." I tried to say. They understood. The doctor said "don't move him. I'll get a wheel chair." He came back with a wheel chair. Harry carried me to the chair. I had a breathing goggle thing to help me breath. I nodded in thank you. I held on tightly to the chair and tried getting up. Harry and the doctor ran up to help me. "You're too weak to do that Scot. You should sit down." The doctor said. I didn't listen. I was weak but I couldn't stand not being able to do anything. I got up and did one step before collapsing on the floor. "Scot!" They all shouted. Harry and the doctor picked me up and put me in the bed. "Get some sleep Scot. You need it." Harry said. I nodded and went to sleep.

Me, My Ballet Shoes And You [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now