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He kneeled down and said "Yvonne Anderson, will you take the honor of being my wife?" My mother had tears in her eyes. I was waiting for this moment for so much time. I was so excited. I yelled "yes. Yes. Yes. Mum say yes." She said "absolutely." She went in his arms and hugged him tight. She kissed him allover the face. Mostly the lips. I felt like an intruder all of a sudden and decided to joke a little by pushing my mother aside and saying "I want to join the group hug here." I hugged Andrew or must I say my dad so tight I thought he was going to die. I couldn't help but cry. Actually sob in his arms. They immediately got worried. "Scot what's the matter?" He asked. I smiled and said "it has been so long since I wanted a father and even though you spend most of your time in our house, it finally feels like I have a father. I can finally call someone Daddy." I hugged him again. He had tears in his eyes. I was too sentimental. It wasn't even suppose to be about me. I moved away, wiped the tears off and said "I'll leave you two alone now. You can have a week together somewhere if you want. It doesn't bother me now that you won't be able to do anything without me bugging you and jumping on your bed in the morning like kids so you can obviously not be naked. That's why I'm saying this." I laughed. We all did. "I think we'll have a few days together and that's it. But thank you. You can have tomorrow night alone after all." My dad said. I glared at him. I asked a waiter to put a music on so they could dance. I went outside and cool down a bit. It was awesome. I was so happy for them. I was thrilled.

It was the next day of the proposal and they were packing a few clothes to go somewhere. He said he wasn't saying where they were going because it was a surprise. I kissed them goodbye and they left. I was so happy. I called Lila but she didn't answer so the only person I could call was Harry. I told him to come over. It would be easier to talk and I also kind of maybe told him to bring his tools and costume. Bad Scot. Evil Scot.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it as quick as I could. I let Harry in and we sat on the couch. "My mother and Andrew, aka my dad are getting married! I am so so happy.
- what? Since when?
- yesterday evening. He did this wonderful speech. It was awesome." We were both laughing. "Oh and they know you're gonna strip. They are gone for a few days to celebrate the proposal. But that means we are alone in a whole house." I said excited. "They know? How?
- they heard the whole conversation." We were both a bit embarrassed at first but then laughed. It was 06.00pm. "So I'll order some pizza and we can watch some horror movies or something." I said. "Yeah cool. But add popcorn and your midnight treatment." He said wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed and kissed him on the cheek. I got up and went to get all the movies I could find. "So you need to chose which movie to watch." He nodded and I went to order some pizza. "What kind of pizza do you want?" I asked him. "Em, paprika and pineapple." I nodded and ordered the pizza. We started the movie when the deliveryman arrived. I opened the door, took the pizzas and paid. I sat back down and started eating while watching the film. We were watching 'rise of the devil.' When it finished it was nearly eight o'clock. "So what do you want to do now?" I asked Harry. He shrugged and then said "why not a karaoke." I looked at him with an are-you-serious expression on my face and turns out he is. "No! I would be rubbish compared to you. You have a beautiful voice. When I sing it sounds like an elephant trying to make a high note. I do not think I sing well." I said pouting. "Oh come on. I'm sure you sing really well. Please, please, please?" He made his puppy eyes and he was so cute. I couldn't say no. "Fine only if we get to play just dance after.
- Ok. Great." I chose 'all of me' by john legend. He didn't really want to but I forced him reminding him that I didn't want to do this in the first place. We both started singing together. He stopped for an unknown reason and I turned towards him. "What?
- you have a wonderful voice Scotty. Wow. I really didn't think it would be that beautiful." I blushed but wasn't sure if it was a joke. "Is it a joke?" He laughed and said "of course not Scotty.
- well I don't think I have a wonderful voice. I think it's horrid.
- well you've got much to learn then." We both laughed and continued the karaoke. "Well now let's dance. And you can choose what to pic." He chose something I did not know which was going to be harder but nothing I can't handle. He wasn't that bad though. He could dance. When we finished it was nine o'clock. "So, it's nine so you can have your shower as I will have mine and then we can do whatever." I said, merely saying a fact but he thought of it as a proposition and said "or we could both go in the same shower and start your treatment early.
- no."

Me, My Ballet Shoes And You [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now