The Welcome Feast

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They finally arrived at Hogwarts. The castle standing proud and tall. Harry holds onto Draco's hand as his nerves catch up with him. They agreed before getting off that Harry would keep his hood up until he spoke with Minnie as he didn't want to be noticed until the next day. They walked hand in hand towards the castle, seeing Minnie waiting at the entrance to greet them as they passed. Because of the hood and different uniform, she hadn't noticed Harry, so when everyone was seated and sorted, she started to get nervous. 'He's supposed to be here. He said he would come' she thought. She looked at the gryffindor table for any sign of him but nothing. She scowled at two in particular, knowing exactly what they had done. Two people stood up from Slytherin and started walking towards the teachers desk. Draco Malfoy and somebody else who hid their face under the cloak. They stopped directly in front of her and she didn't miss the small push of reassurance from Draco to the small figures back. That's when they looked up.
"Harry." She said quietly. She stood up and swiftly made her way around the teachers desk towards the two boys stopping when she reached Harry's side.
"Hi Minnie," harry whispered to his new mentor. As quick as she could manage, she pulled him into a tight hug which he quickly reciprocated with a small smile. She pulled back a little to have a better look at him as they only spoke through letters.
"Oh Harry, you gave me a fright. I thought you hadn't turned up. If you want, I can change your house if you would like, and oh I can change your timetable to whatever Mr Malfoy here has, and if you want, I can personally give you your own dorm room if that would make you more comfortable."
"Minnie. Slow down. I will take you up on all of those but take a deep breath. It's OK." Harry hugged her again and held a hand out to Draco.
"Can he stay in the dorm with me, and maybe even his friends?"
"Of course harry dear, I'll get it all sorted out for you. Meet me outside the great hall after dinner". Harry nodded and took Draco's hand and pulled him back towards the slytherin table. He looked pointedly at Draco to tell him that he went going to be the ones to tell his friends. Draco sighed and mouthed, after we have eaten. Once sat down, what Draco said finally settled in his mind. Be hadn't eaten in a week. He can't eat. Food eventually appeared on the table but Harry felt green just looking at it. Draco noticed and remembered that he could see Harry's ribcage on the train. He gently placed a bit of toast on Harry's plate.
"Hey raven, try to eat for me OK. Only a bite. If you can't do any more, it's OK." Draco kissed his head for good measure and started eating his own breakfast, keeping an eye on Harry as he does.
"Hey Draco, who is your boyfriend? I don't think I've seen him before." Pansy was the first to speak up. She was always the nosiest one.
"One second." Draco pulled out a piece of parchment telling her who this was and not to tell anyone other than Blaise. After passing the sheet over to her, she reads it quickly. Realization clouds her features and she takes a glance at the boy in question. Then Draco sees a grimace. He looks at harry to see why and he looks sickly pale. Taking Harry's hand, he rushes them out of the great hall and to a bathroom. When they get there, harry instantly collapses over a toilet and throws up the few bites he ate. Draco calmly rubs his back and holds Harry's hair back.
"It's alright, you tried your best. Let's eat a little less next time OK. Take even slower steps" By the time Harry was done, he was shaking from exhaustion. Draco checked the time to see that dinner was almost over anyway. He helped Harry to his feet and brought him to the great Hall where they would meet with Minnie. She was stood there waiting with Pansy and Blaise when they arrived.
"Harry, honey are you OK?" Pansy said.
"Everything OK mate?" That was Blaise.
"Oh Harry, come here." Minnie opened her arms for Harry to walk into, which he did. Minnie hugged him tightly while Draco gave the other two a brief on what happened.
"Draco. I believe you and your two friends have a knack for potions." When he nodded she continued.
"I trust you will see this as permission to use the potions classroom after school whenever you are free to concoct any necessary potions to help with young Harry heres health."
"Of course professer," Draco nodded and gave a smile.
"And you three, call me Minnie. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine. Now let's show you to the common room."

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