A Great Start To The Day

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Harry awoke the next day feeling oddly refreshed but tensed when he couldn't feel his mate next to him. Panicking, he rose quickly from where he was laid, getting dizzy but ignoring it, to look for him. His muscles loosened as his ears picked up the soft patter of water drops in the bathroom. At this point, Harry was beyond caring, so he hoisted himself off the bed, stripped off his clothes and entered the bathroom to join his lover.
"Ahh. Bloody hell!" Came Draco's dramatic response to seeing Harry nude and heading straight towards him. He fell silent though as Harry stepped into the shower and wrapped his arms around Draco's torso. He responded with his own hug, kissing his mate on the head as a good morning.

After their bath, they went to their room in towels to change when Draco noticed the slight nervousness in the younger males eyes. He gently grabbed Harry's arm, turning him around and placed a hand on his face.
"You alright love?" Draco asked in a soft voice. Harry nodded carefully and looked into his lovers eyes. The blond veela lowered his head to Harry's level and placed his lips on Harry's. Adding more pressure, they backed up until Harry's legs hit their bed. Harry leaned back into the soft sheets as Draco put more of his love into their kiss, neither noticing the bedroom door opening.
"Holy Merlin's pants! I did not need to see that!" came Pansy's shriek from the doorway. Draco jumped apart from Harry, who was lost in his own thoughts, in surprise. When noticing her averted eyes, Draco looked towards the little neko and realised that he and himself where only covered by simple towels. His wings sprung out and covered both himself and Harry. With blush on his cheeks, he looked over the feathers that covered his dignity.
"Apologies Pansy. What was it you wanted?" Pansy looked up sensing that it was safe with her own blush on her face.
"Breakfast is starting soon. We need to leave now if we want good seats." Pansy said ready to run out of the room. Draco nodded and she left instantly in humiliation, ready to babble to Blaise about her embarrassment. Draco looked towards Harry who was in a slight daze, mind still stook on the kiss that shared, oblivious to Pansy's prior interruption.
"Love?" Draco placed a hand on Harry's face and the latter only blushed more, raising his hand to his mouth. Draco started to panic, taking this as a bad sign until a smile appeared on the smaller males face.
"Can we do this again later?" Harry asked, loving the feeling that Draco left from the kiss. Draco gave him a small peck on the lips in response making Harry smile even brighter.

They eventually dressed, Harry needing a little help, and made their way to the great hall with the other two Slytherins , who were avoiding looking the eyes off their friends.
"Omg, we didn't do anything. That was nothing compared to what I wanted to do. Stop blushing and forget this morning. Go make out or something!" Draco shook his head and sighs disbelief with a small laugh, but stopped when he noticed Harry's face. He looked so red with his eyes wide but full of want. Wrapping his arms around Harry, Draco kissed Harry on his head between his neko ears, knowing the effect this would have on the neko inside Harry. The brunette purred slightly and cheered up more escaping Draco's soft grip. The younger male ran ahead of the trio who laughed with fondness and love.
"Harry love, come back." Draco laughed.
"Honey, I can't run in heels." Pansy giggled.
"Looks like a handful that one." Blaise mumbled.
They eventually caught up to Harry but their smiles where wiped away by the look of confusion and shock on his once gleeful face. They turned the corner to a very unexpected sight.

Adults wearing red robes, aurors, where dragging weasley and granger off of the school premises. The quartet stood dumbfounded as they protested and shouted. Minnie appeared behind them looking solemn.
"It's illegal to taint ones blood. As angry as I was at them, I never wanted this. I guess part of me hoped that I hadn't failed to guide them as head of house, and that they would change, and respect you Harry. Shame it had to end like this for them." Harry looked towards Minnie to find a tear falling down her cheek. Turning fully towards her, he pulled her into a fierce hug.
"It is not your fault Minnie. They were blinded by hatred and even you couldn't change that. You basically raised me and look how I turned out. You never failed and I will always see you as my main mentor." As an afterthought he added, "way better then dumb-as-a-door who raised me as a self sacrificing dummy." This drew a laugh out of the older women from both the nickname and the malice behind the final statement. Draco looked fondly at his little neko, falling in love even more, which he didn't realise was even possible.

Later in lesson, Harry grabbed Draco's hand, seeking attention and leaned closer towards him.
"Want my honest opinion of this mornings events?" he whispered to Draco. After getting a confused nod, he continued.
"I'm happy they're gone." Harry leaned back into his seat, leaving Draco lost for words, trying and failing to get more from the young brunette. Eventually giving up, he gave q response.
"We will bring this up later." Harry only nodded with a smile and focused on the lesson, with one last comment.
"I'm really starting to understand the wrong sort now. Guess I didn't know when I was 11." Draco only blushed and went back to the lesson, oblivious to the fact that this was Harry's intention.

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