Spiralling Back

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Tw- self harm and blood. Sorry
Poppy is madam Pomfrey for those who don't know

It was the next day, and Harry was decidedly very happy. He had a great boyfriend, great friends, and an amazing mentor that he felt he could rely on when things may get tough. The day was going great, until he received the daily prophet in the post. He made the front page.


Harry grew nervous, feeling the start of a panic prickling at his skin. The Daily Prophet always lies and makes him look to be in the wrong. Shaking slightly, he read on, only remembering small snippets. 'Golden boy gone mad?' 'Drove his only friends away' 'Framed them and used his fame'  'Rumors of erratic behaviour' 'Short tempered and would often lash out' 'Comments from his former friends before they where locked away...' '"He took advantage if my knowledge! Says Mrs Granger"' '"He never really cared about me, just wanted to make me look like the dumb one. Says Mr Weasley"'

After reading the article, he was lost in his own tears. It was the weekend so he was lucky to be in his common room when he received it. Even more so that the others were still asleep. He was consumed in his own thoughts thinking if they saw this, they would leave him. They would hate him. Not trust him. What would Minnie say? It certainly looked believable. In blinding pain, he threw the paper in the common room fire and ran to Myrtles bathroom, in hopes to be alone. It took him a while, portraits no doubt spreading word of where he was but he made it there, even after casting a disillusionment charm half way there. He collapsed on the floor in the farthest cuticle in tears, removing the charm, and curling himself into a tighter ball. He felt sick but made no move to puke. The words from the Prophet itched at his skin and he wanted rid of them, so he just started scratching. His arms,  his legs, his abdomen and his face. He was so lost, he didn't even notice the blood. Then he went faint.

Draco woke to an empty bed, but that was normal for weekends, so he got up and changed for the day. Walking out the room, he started greeting Harry, only to notice that he wasn't there but Blaise and Pansy sat on the couch.
"Have you guys seen Harry?" Concern was etched into his voice. Harry never went far alone.
"We thought he was with you." Pansy looked confused but raised to her feet, going towards the bathroom and knocking.
"Harry, you in there?" No response. She opened the door upon the lack of response and quickly slammed it shut.
"He's not here. Where is he? Is he OK? We need to find him!!" During her outburst Blaise adorned a wary face while Draco started to panic alongside her. As a group, they left their common rooms to find people shooting sympathetic looks at them, all saying things that made no sense.
"The lies they told, he's safe in the common room."
"Taking advantage my arse. We don't believe in them guys."
"Can't believe they would say such things. Sorry guys." At that last word, Draco had had enough.
"What in merlin is going on!" The corridors silenced, now aware that non of them knew. A timid second year walked slowly towards the on edge veela and held up the Prophet, the latter removing it gently with a crooked thanks. Rage flooded his features as his wings spring free, his veela taking over. The corridor, still silent, moved to give him space as he threw the paper on the floor and threw hexes at it. Suddenly he stilled when certain words replayed in his mind. Someone said that he was safe in the common room. He's not there. His rage subsided and was further replaced with more panic.
"Has anyone seen my Harry!" He crumpled to the floor at the startled faces. No one knew. That was until a certain wailing ghost floated quickly through the now packed corridor. She stopped immediately upon seeing the headmaster stood sternly, ordering the corridor to be cleared, and all but the three slytherins and herself stayed put.
"Yes Myrtle. I assume it's important."
"Yes professor, it's about Harry" Draco perked up but his face fell again at the uncomfortable look on the ghosts face.
"He's in my bathroom. Unresponsive and cold." The group instantly rose to their feet and ran to the bathroom with Draco flying ahead.

Draco was first to the bathroom, then Myrtle, who quickly showed the veela to his mate. Harry's face was tear and blood stained, harsh scratches covering him all over. Blood covered his hands and clothes and Draco's heart broke at the sight. He was supposed to protect him. He failed his mate but he vowed to never do it again. Wrapping his wings protectively around the small neko, he rose to his feet, just as the others arrived.
"Is he OK?" Minnie was the only one with the strength to ask, concerned at the fact that Draco kept the teen hidden.
"Breathing OK but needs medical attention. Let's go." Draco quickly took lead of the group, Myrtle staying behind, and headed straight for the hospital wing. He carefully placed the fragile male on the bed and closed the hangings around the bed for privacy. The rest of the group joined but froze at the state of Harry. Even Blaise shed a tear for the broken boy on the bed. Poppy rushed to Harry's aid and soon, the colour came back to his cheeks and the scratch marks were gone.
"Could you change his clothes please Draco dear when you get back to your room. I've done all that I can." Draco nodded and gently raised the teen into his arms, the other two slytherins, following him out the hospital wing.
"I hope he will be OK and things don't return to how they were. I don't want him to be like that again. I will contact the ministry and the prophet immediately!" At that, Minnie left, leaving Poppy collapsing on the bed, eyes full of sympathy

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