A Fluffy Day

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Before I wrote this chapter, I had a 1512 word chapter written and unfinished. I hated it, scrapped it and started over. Sorry if it's rubbish

Draco awoke the next day to Harry snuggling up to his side. He looked so adorable with his soft neko ears tucked and his lips slightly parted. Draco rested his hand on his mate's face, watching as he sleepily nestled his face into the warm touch, eyes fluttering open.
"Good morning Raven."
"Mrnin." The sleepy voice spoke in a mumble. Harry truly hated mornings. But, his bladder was screaming. He needed to get up whether he liked it or not. After his brief toilet break, Harry headed to his wardrobe to change. Draco was confused as his mate hadn't said anything about having plans.
"Where are you going love?" Harry looked up at his mates voice and responded in a calm manor.
"I'm stealing Pansy for the day. Shouldn't be too long. Spend the day with Blaise and relax a little." Draco just nodded and collapsed back into bed. He trusted Pansy and was willing to let Harry go out alone with her. A little while later, Harry was ready to leave. He had his moleskin bag, spare jacket and his wand. Draco was out of bed by then so walked up to Harry, encasing him in his arms, kissing him in his soft and unruly curls.
"I'm going to miss you today my Raven." Draco sounded sad but Harry really had to go.
"I'll miss you too Dragon."

Harry and Pansy left Hogwarts under the permission of Minnie. Heading towards hogsmead, Harry relayed his problem.
"I haven't got Draco anything for Christmas yet and I feel like such a shitty boyfriend because of it. He does so much for me and I've done nothing in return. The main thing is is that he never really talks about himself. I don't know what he's interested in or if he has any hobbies as he's been too preoccupied with taking care of me. I don't know what to do." Pansy listened to every word and she suddenly had an idea. Without another word, she sent her patronous to Draco.
"We might pop into the manor so it's us if the wards go off." Harry looked at Pansy confused.
"I have the perfect idea!" She seemed so excited and Harry just followed without another question. They reached n apparition point and Harry took Pansy's arm, unsure where the manors apparition point was. One moment later, he found himself looking at the gates of Malfoy Manor. He shivered at the memory the place held. Pansy raised her wand to the gate and it opened wide, allowing entry. Harry examined his surroundings and found that the area looked abandoned. The grass was overgrown, flowers were dead and the Manor just looked all around gloomy.
"I thought the Malfoys had house elves." Harry was confused. It shouldn't look like this.
"Draco freed them or sent them to Hogwarts when he took over the place. Narcissa and Lucius are in Azkaban for life and he really doesn't like it here. He's still thinking of plans for after Hogwarts, but I asure you, he's got it all under control." They entered the doors of the Manor and yes, it was so dusty.
"Follow me!" pansy raced off and Harry rushed to catch up. They got to a door and Pansy forced it open, revealing a plain looking room. She pranced over to a little box on the desk and opened it up. It was full of jewellery. Pansy pulled out a small locket, opening it up, letting out a glittery image of a memory. It was Lucius and Narcissa at their wedding.
"Draco would always admire this necklace. I can help you change the memory if you would like. Keep this one in a vial if he still wants it but you can make your own." Harry's heart melted at the idea and be nodded with a tear falling down his cheek.
"It's perfect." He took the necklace from Pansy, placing it carefully in his moleskin bag.
"May I take a look around his room, for inspiration?" Pansy nodded and led the way. She knew itbwasnt just for inspiration but she decided not to comment. They reached the doors of Dracis room and Harry was the first to enter. The walls were a pale green with grey accents. The bed was a dark mahogany with silver silk sheets. At the bottom of the bed was a folded emerald green blanket. Both sides of the bed had matching cabinets, that also matched the desk and two doors at either side.
"Left door is his bathroom and right is his wardrobe." Harry rolled his eyes. Of course he has a walk in wardrobe. He entered the wardrobe and looked at all the clothes and suits Draco owned. He looked through the draws to see if there where any styles he could reference from when he noticed a small bear. It was torn, but still alright. He could sense Draco's childhood through all the ripped seams and he held the bear close. He never had anything like this. Pansy knocked on the door and Harry turned to look at her, still holding the bear.
"Where did you find him?" Pansy's tone revealed that she recognized the bear.
"At the bottom of this drawer. I'm sorry, was I supposed to leave it there." Harry went to put the bear back but Pansy quickly stopped him.
"No no. When Draco was a baby, he got given him by Narcissa. As he got older, he got more attached to the bear. Called him Mr Bear. When he was 8, Lucius told him he was too old for stuffed animals and forced Draco to put it away and never get it out again. Over time, he forgot where he left the bear, to the point were he stopped even using that drawer. Like it never existed. You might find a lot of his childhood hidden in there." Harry shifted through the other stuff, seeing small drawings and clutter, but nothing stranded out like this bear. He placed the bear in his bag and left the closet. From Hogwarts, he learned that Draco slept on the left side of the bed so he walked to that side and opened the cabinet drawer. It had a sketchpad, pens, pencils and a stack of drawings. Most of which where of him. He could hear Pansy curse quietly behind him but he found that he didn't mind.
"These are lovely, I mean, I'm an amazing model but still. Why doesn't he draw at Hogwarts."
"Ha ha Harry. And he doesn't draw as he finds it humiliating. He might murder me if he found out you saw those." Harry could only laugh.
"I wouldn't let him and he will find out today." Pansy just grimaced. Harry decided the other cabinet was worth a check so he walked over and opened it up. Inside was a few odd trinkets. A stone, reptile shed, paw print, funny shaped cup, toad broach, tiny book keyring and a singular feather. Now he was confused. Draco was one odd person if he collected things like this.
"You don't get it, do you Harry?" Harry shook his head.
"Think about all your Hogwarts escapades. The Philosophers Stone, Basilisk, your godfathers escape, Triwizard Tournament, Umbitch, Severuses potion book and finally the end. It's an eagle feather. Draco says the eagle represents freedom. The freedom you gave the wizarding world from Voldemort. He always looked up to you Harry as you did so much for our world. You just never see it." Harry had tear falling down his face. Draco was the most thoughtful being that ever roamed the earth. Harry believed he was finished with his search.
"Let's go to Hogsmead Pansy. I have some presents to buy." In the end, he bought a new notebook and stationary, a soft light green jumper and eagle cufflinks (for all his suits).

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