This Isn't Good

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For the person who requested I involve Astoria, I'd got the message after writing half of this already. I managed to involve her a little but I'm not sure where I will go from here and whether I include her further. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Draco was alert at the sound of a book dropping. It was still lesson time so only he and Harry should be in the library. He looked towards where the sound came from, but there was no one there. Walking over to investigate, he noticed all of a sudden, that his neko was missing. Panic arose but it only got worse when he saw the fallen book next to the table covered in tears. 'What has he read that is so upsetting?' Draco thought, looking at the book in disgust. He reached down to pick up the book but stopped when he saw the title. He'd read this book before. He always despised the book as it put a bad picture on veelas. The book was left open and Draco's suspicions came true when he saw what chapter it was on. Harry thinks he doesn't love him. If only he had read on. He took the book and ran back to his common room, bumping into Pansy and Blaise on the way.
"Harry hates me guys, you have to help me!" Draco was in a fit of tears.
"Why? What happened?" Pansy spoke quickly and quietly. Draco didn't respond and handed over the book.
"Did he...?" Blaise recognised it immediately. Him and Pansy helped him through it when he was reading about his inheritance. Draco only nodded in response.
"I swear people need to think before publishing things like this." Blaise was furious. He understood that from Harry's perspective, Draco would look bad so decided that he was going to take charge for a change.

"Pansy, take Draco to our common room. I'm going to get Minnie and Sev. He likely won't listen to us as he may think we knew something he didn't, but he will listen to them." Pansy nodded and led the hysterical veela to their common room.

Blaise quickly went off to find the two teachers. He didn't care that classes were still going, Harry needed them. Eventually, he arrived at Minnie's class, as it was the closest and was faced with her menacing look of disapproval. It faultered though at the look of distress on Blaises face.
"Yes, Mr Zabini?" She was calm yet hesitent.
"Harry needs you. Now. He's not going to listen to anyone but you and Sev- I mean Professor Snape." After quickly correcting himself, he and Minnie left the class with a dismissal and headed towards the common room. On the way, Minnie sent Sev a patronous.

Eventually, everyone made it to the common room, where they found a panicking veela bunched over on the couch, muttering to himself.
"Where is he?" Minnie had a worried tone. She wanted the pair to be OK. Draco's shaky hand pointed to their bedroom, where the two teachers started heading. After a gentle knock on the door, it opened a crack and a bloodshot emerald eye peared out. Upon seeing Minnie and sev, he reached out and pulled them into the room, not willing to look at Draco. He still didn't understand. The two professors entered without question.

The room was a mess. Books thrown everywhere, clothes strewn across the floor and a single paper that lay iscolated on a desk. While Harry was distracted with a hug from Minnie, Sev ventured over to the table. It was a letter. He recognised the writing. Lucius. This can't be good. It read:
'Draco, you remember what we spoke about at the start of the year? We agreed that you would marry Astoria and produce an heir to the Malfoy family. What I've heard is quite disappointing but we can use this. You are mates with the potter boy if I'm right, and you've gained his trust. To fulfill our agreement, you are going to stay close with him, and then make him heartbroken by declaring your love for Astoria. Being a neko, he will naturally die of heartbreak, and you being the stronger veela, won't be affected. This is our revenge for the death of the dark lord. Don't fail me again. Your father, Lucius.' Sev was furious. Draco would never do this. He grabbed the letter and folded it into his hand. He turned around just as Harry pulled away from Minnie. He seemed to have calmed down a little. Harry then fell into his arms. Behind him,  Sev discretely handed Minnie the letter. She left the room to read it and let Sev speak to Harry.
"Hey Raven. Everything is OK. Don't believe that stupid book and most certainly don't listen to that letter. Drqco would never hurt you intentially. I know he doesn't know about this letter yet and he's spoken to me about the mating situation." Sev cringed when Harry looked at him with a face of disbelief. "Sit down with me Raven."

"Believe it or not, he wants to go through with the mating. But with everything that's happened with the war, Granger, Weasley and the Dursleys, he wants you to take a break and relax into the relationship. Be wants to make sure you are completely comfortable with everything. Yes, maybe he should have spoken to you but he feels as though he might make you believe qlthat this is all he wants. He loves you, but right now, he feels like you no longer love and trust him. This just proved that the letter was wrong, and the book, is just a load of rubbish. Please don't blame Draco for what has happened. He just wanted you to be ready." Harry was in tears. What if Sev was right. He seemed genuine. Harry knew what to do. Trust him. He loved Draco and really wanted to believe that this was true. And the only thing to secure his trust, would be a simple apology for not saying anything.
"OK. I trust you. I'd like to see him now." He was nervous but held himself up before he broke down again. He made his way to the door and slowly opened it.


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