A Christmas To Remember

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As time went on, Christmas drew nearer, and both males grew excited. Harry was preparing a date to create a beautiful memory for the necklace, while Draco was finishing up the final bits of paperwork for the new house. He was signing the last piece when Harry knocked on the bedroom door.
"Dragon? Can I borrow you for a moment?"
"Sure love. One second." He put the paper away and opened the door to find Harry dressed in nice clothes with a rose in his hand. Draco looked at him slightly confused.
"I've prepared a date for us. A lovely picnic in a clearing of the forbidden forest. Under the starlight." Harry's eyes glistened with wonder and Draco could see him picturing the scene in his mind.
"Let me get dressed and we can go. Okay?" Harry nodded frantically and sprung away, letting Draco change. Hr grabbed his picnic basket that contained snacks and a spare blanket. He turned when he heard the door open. There stood Draco, as immaculate as ever.
"Ready to go love?" Harry nodded, placing the rose in Draco's hair.
"Lead the way."

They arrived at the forest edge, and Dravo shivered at the dark fleeting the place held. He held Harry's hand as he led him through, wondering exactly why he would choose the forest as a place for a date. That is, until they reached the clearing Harry had mentioned. It held a calm atmosphere and the trees were letting in a ring of the moonlight. Harry had let go of his hand by then and was setting up the picnic. Draco just looked around in awe. Who would have thought that an area in this forest would be so inviting.
"What's the special occasion Raven?" Harry looked up with a smile on his face.
"It's a thank you, for all you have done for me. Helping me through my hardships and being there to assist me as my life ventures forward. Come to think of it, you are my life." Drco could only smile because merlin he never felt as much love for his little neko than he did now. Harry neetly patted the blanket beside him, asking Draco to take a seat. The gap was filled quickly as the veela perched himself in the space provided. Looking around, he noticed the food that Harry had laid out. Pumpkin Pasties, Treacle Tart and of course, his beloved green apples. He took a Treacle Tart, knowing them to be a favourite of Harry's too, and held it up towards Harry's mouth. When harry reached for it with his hand, Draco pulled away.
"Open up love." And Harry obliged, allowing Draco to feed him the tart. He bit down half way and watched with blush as Draco ate the other half. They mostly ate in silence until the food was gone.

They laid down on the blanket after moving most of the stuff off to the side, and Harry cuddled close into his mates arm.
"You know Harry, we can see my constellation from here." He pointed up at the sky but Harry was struggling to see.
"Let me make it easier for you. Can you see the big and little dipper, also known as Ursa Major and Ursa Minor?" Harry nodded.
"Look directly in between and you can see the constellations tail run through." Harry could see it now and followed the shape with his eyes.
"It's a dragon, isn't it. That's where I got your nickname from." Draco nodded with a laugh.
"You knew that and you didn't know where it was?" Harry blushed but nodded.
"Wanna know more?" Harry nodded enthusiastically. And that's how they spent the rest of the afternoon. Harry learnt all about the constellations and even identifying Sirius, Andromeda, Scorpius, Merope, Bellatrix, Orion, Regulus, Arcturus, and of course Draco. It was growing late though and Draco could see Harry repeatedly drip off to sleep.
"I think its time for bed Raven." Harry nodded sleepily and allowed Draco to lift him onto his back. The walk was calm and relaxing. They spoke small words as Harry did his best to keep the momory fresh in the forefront of his mind. They eventually made it though and Harry made the excuse to pop to the bathroom. Picking up his moleskin bag, he entered and locked the door behind him. The memory he extracted was strong and vivid and produced a shiny shean as it made its way to the vile that he had ready. He took out the necklace, extracting the wedding memory and placing it in another, labeled, vile. He took his memory, placing it in the necklace and sticking it in the new case that he bought for it. Carefully placing the case back in his bag, he left the bathroom to find Draco pancaked on the bed.
"I'm tired too love, let's get dressed and go to bed." Drqco grumbly got to his feet and they both changed in a comfortable silence. The crawled into bed, Draco spooning Harry and they fell asleep to the beating of each other's hearts.

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