Giant woman!

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Amethyst and Pearl were playing a boardgame at the beach. Steven was sitting on a high chair with a bunch of water balloons in his arms

Amethyst moved her figure and made a good move

Amethyst: HA! Take that!

Pearl: wow. Amethyst I'm impressed.

As soon as she ended her sentence, Steven threw a water balloon at her head

Steven: now it's your turn Pearl!

Pearl: Steven, are these balloons really necessary?

Steven: yeah! With them, every turn gets more important!

Pearl: but it's checkers! Every single move matters!

Amethyst: sounds like someone's being a soar loser.

Pearl made her weird noises

Pearl: I'm not a soar loser! Because I just won the game!

She moved her figure around, winning the game

Amethyst: whaaaa?! Hehe, her it comes!

Multiple water balloons were thrown right at her

Amethyst: ahhhhh it feels good to lose...

Pearl cleared her throat

Pearl: I certainly hope that's not the attitude you have during battle

Amethyst sighted

Amethyst: you're no fun anymore. That's why we never form Opal!

Pearl: we don't form Opal because you're difficult and a mess!

Amethyst: we don't form Opal because you're a tight and-!

Steven: GUYS GUYS! What's Opal?

Amethyst: oh it's the two of us mashed together!

Pearl: Apgh! Is water just Hydrogen and Oxygen mashed together?!

Steven and Amethyst looked clueless at each other

Pearl: analogy wasted. Look here Steven. We can synchronize our forms and combine into a powerful fusion gem named Opal

Pearl controlled some sand in the shapes of her and Amethyst that danced and combined into a bigger sand sculpture

Amethyst stepped on it

Amethyst: except I don't dance like that.

Pearl: amethyst!

Steven: woooowww! That's so cool! Tell me more about opal!

Amethyst: well Steven, she's an ultra powerfull stone cold Betty. That part's me. And then she's like, kinda tall. That part's Pearl.

Pearl: what amethyst is attempting to say is, opal is an amalgam of our combined magical and physical attributes , fused into a single entity.

Steven: well can you do it right now?! Come on! Form Opal!

Pearl: we only form Opal if it's absolutely necessary.

After that, they heard a Warp pad activating

Steven: mom and Garnet are back!

Pearl: oh! That reminds me, Your mother can fuse too! It would be way easier for me to fuse with her instead!

Steven: really?! You and mom can do that?! Show me!!!!!

Pearl: well let's greet them first shall we?

Steven sprinted of to the beach house to meet his mother and his aunty Garnet

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