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There we are laying on the black sofa naked covered only by Chris' arms. One of his arms is groping my left breast and covering my right breast. While his other arm is wrapped around my hips and lower area. Keeping my hairless pussy covered and keeping me against his naked body.

I smile knowing I am fully covering his dick while he is spooning me making me feel safe and loved. Chris kisses the mark he gives me before getting up making me pout.

"I am just getting a blanket mate." Chris says giving me the chance to see exactly how big his dick is when it's soft.

I take a good look shocked at its massive size making Chris chuckle. I start feeling horney again making me spread my legs open while taking in Chris's naked appearance. As soon as he turns back around his nose flares and his eyes changes to a dark yellow. He takes in deep breaths and I see his dick coming back alive making my eyes go wide. Chris then moves to me picking me up and smashing our lips together starting us to mate again.

After the second time Chris stays in me having my right leg draped around his hips while we are cuddling face to face.

"How did I get so lucky?" Chris asks.

I looked up at him from cuddling my head into his muscular chest.

"What do you mean?"

"I have am the Alpha that has a sexy mate who wants to mate a ton. It is like only I can fill your starvation and yet not once have you demanded me to use a condom or pull out." Chris says.

I smile realizing what he was say.

"So you do not like condoms? And exactly do you mean just to clarify?"

"Yes with you only though since I want to impregnate you and it feels so good mating with you my mate bare. It's like I never imagined and to top it off it is a turn on." Chris says.

I smirk already knowing.

"Impregnate me then!"

His eyes change to a very dark yellow and he searches my eyes and face for something while his dick comes back alive in me.

I let a moan out making it known it feel flipped great.

"Are you sure you want to mate more having me impregnate you immediately?" Chris asks while his dick grows a bit more.

"Impregnate me now."

I did not have to tell him again since he captures my lips while starting to mate with me again.

We went for two more rounds until I was too sore to move. Chris gets up, but I grab his big hand stopping his from leaving my side.

"I am just getting our clothes my sexy mate." Chris chuckles, but leans down capturing my lips with his.

As soon as he pulls away I pout, but and get our clothes that we threw around the room in the heat of the moment. As he gathers our clothes I watch him wondering how did I get this lucky. Soon he is helping me dress and I help him dress before he picks me up and carries me to our room. Before he opens the door I press myself closer to him kissing his lips and neck. Once he opens the door I whisper into his ear making him loose control.

"Impregnate me."

He kicks the door shut and tosses me onto our bed before devouring me starting at my lips and working down to eat me out then mating.

As he cums in me I am pass the point of a cumming mess. All my works are gibberish and I am lost in pure bliss. I hear his groan before shaking a bit then his hot sperm making over the limit pass pure bliss. He stays above me kissing my lips bring me back to planet earth slowly. As soon as I am I wrap my weak legs around his hips and my arms around his neck kissing him back until he moves us where we are cuddling face to face.

"Damn my tempting mate you know how to make me cum so hard. I have never cummed like that before." Chris says kissing my forehead.

"What do you mean my Mr Sexy Alpha Mate?"

He purrs before answering.

"Keep calling me that and you will be overfilled with my sperm mate." Chris purrs.

I smirk taking note of this for the future.

"And to answer you I never have cummed so hard that it feels like it's coming up through my body making my toes curl." Chris says.

" I am glad only I can do that."

He kisses my lips before spanking my ass earning a moan.

"I never thought my mate would be into BDSM and be submissive while still having control, it's a huge turn on." Chris says.

"I never knew my soulmate would be so uncontrollably sexy with being so dominant and tempting at the same time. It is a turn on for me too."

He smirks and grips my ass massaging it before spanking it once more.

"You keep doing that and there won't be anytime left today to be out of this bed."

Chris purrs as his eyes change to a dark yellow.

"Maybe that is what I want, but I know you are sore." Chris says huskily.

"It is more than worth it."

Chris pulls me impossibly closer smashing our lips together. He licks my bottom lips then nibbles it, but when I still deny his entrance he spanks me harder making me moan. He then explores and dominates over our kiss until we start mating again only stopping when we cum so much then tease each other and resume. We keep repeating this the rest of the day and night until we fall asleep cuddling.

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