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After Chris is fully calm and we head downstairs we see Sam and Luis are still missing.

"Luna we have looked at all the houses possible." Mike says.

Chris growls as he takes it as they are being disrespectful.

"Okay then let's ask their parents and check the whole pack. They could have not left the pack without us knowing, right?"

Chris nods and kisses my head as he his hugging me from behind.

After an hour there was three adults waiting in the living room anxiously. Mike had to let them in as I was having the kids help look for them. Chris also went on the search, but after thirty minutes he grabs me and dart back to our room to calm down.

I understand why as his wolf took full control again seeing this was fully a disrespect towards me. Thinking back to yesterday Luis was showing disrespect towards me as I am not officially the Luna yet, but I am Chris's mate.

Now I am walking downstairs with Chris now fully calm. As I take the last step down the stairs I see Mike watching carefully. I follow his gaze to see a man about 6 feet tall with brown hair and an stature that says trouble. I shivered, but continued before greeting them.


They look at me like they where saying mentally who the heck are you.

Mike nods at me.

"Luna." Mike says.

"Mike can you please have the kids come back."

Mike nods and heads out.

"I asked for you to come here because your kids are not where they are supposed to be. We have some of the pack looking all around the pack for them, but we do not know where they are. Luis was supposed to be here at 10am with Kat, Shelly, and Stefan. We thought Luis would be with Sam or at Sam's home, but we did not find them there nor at the school. Do anyone know where they might be?"

"Why?" The guy who Mike was staring at says.

Chris growls in warning as the guy has an attitude.

"Because it would save time and we can have them here safe without worrying."

"Why does a human even worry about my son?" The guy chuckles a bit.

Chris growls angrily.

"Chris please."

Chris holds me from behind and inhales by his mark.

"To answer you. I am the Luna and I am worried they might get hurt let alone Sam is supposed to be in school while Luis is supposed to be here as his punishment."

"What did my son do this time?" A woman with blonde hair asks.

"Tabatha we will talk about it later." A guy with Black hair says.

"So I am you must be Luis' parents and to answer you he got into a fight at school which made him be expelled. That is why he is supposed to be here in a group meeting to work on why yesterday happened instead of doing chores."

"Tell me human why am I here then if you are so concerned for my son's safety." The other guy says.

Chris growls and shifts snapping in the guy's direction. I stopped him from Attacking as I got in front.

"Chris look at me mate."

Chris looks at me after growling at Sam's dad.

"Please calm down and later we can handle this. Finding the kids are most important right now."

Chris licks my arm as I am holding his wolf head in place to look at me.

"Now can you please shift back so we can continue?"

He purrs and shifts back before growling at the guy.  Chris then grabs shorts from the cabinets and puts them on.

"Thank you my Alpha love."

Chris purrs and holds me from behind again.

"Now to answer you, Sam is part of the reason why there was fights yesterday. I am concerned for his safety because that is part of my job as this pack's Luna. If he was in school where he should have been then I would not be concerned where he is let alone having most of the warriors searching for him and Luis."

"Alpha..." A guy says darting in here.

Chris looks at him and Mike is right behind him with the kids.

"We found them and they are in the interagation room like asked." The guy says.

"Thank you Fred." Chris says.

"Why are they in there?" Luis' mother asks.

"Because he has been disrespectful to his Luna since yesterday and today just pushed his luck. He wants to act like a traitor then he will be treated like one!" Chris growls.

"Chris please calm down."

He looks at me and inhales my scent. It was not enough as the fathers were not helping demanding to see them. Chris then darts outside shifting.

"Please calm down. You will see them after we find out what was going on."

Mike stands closer to me as Sam's dad growls at me with distaste.

"I advise you to show our Luna with respect or do you want to be excelled without your mate and son?" Mike growls at Sam's dad.

"Wait were is Sam's mom? I ask for all the parents."

"She is not needed here." Sam's dad says with distaste.

"She is his stepmother as his true mother abandoned him." Mike growling at Sam's dad.

"Still next time I want both parents include stepparents."

"Yes Luna I am sorry." Mike says.

"It's okay Mike."

"She will never come as she has duties at the house." Sam's dad says getting up.

Mike shifts and another two guys dart in here before pulling Mike off Sam's dad and arresting Sam's dad.

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