Chapter 2: Changes

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TW: Mention of Abuse !!!!!!

"Well, this is your room. Its a bit bland, but I'm sure we can decorate it when I'm free." The older man said, I just looked at him thankfully. I know i can be rude, but I know what manners are, and this guy has just gone out of his way to keep me out of care. That's truly something.

"Thank you so much sergeant. I appreciate this." I said, meaning every single word that came out of my mouth. He just smiled and nodded.

"Hey sergeant, one quick question..... do you by any chance have a cig I can borrow of you?" I asked, i always live by the rules you don't ask you don't get, and well.... yeah it was a bit of a pointless question really.

He just turned around, looked at me. No, stared at me. And shook his head while grinning. I'm taking that as a no then. At least I tried.

"Get yourself sorted and then we can watch a movie or something, ill order pizza?" He said, I just looked at him. I cant lie I'm shocked, I was shit scared when I first heard this man, now he's offering pizza.

"Wow, you really are just a big teddy bear. And yeah pizza sounds good." I said while laughing, he was smiling too.  Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought?

I quickly looked around my room and made sure it was clean, and just sat down to take it all in really. I went from being in an interrogation room, to being on the streets, to living with a sergeant? Today really has been one hectic day.

I sat on my bed for about 5 minutes, and I walked back downstairs to see the older man waiting for me with a pizza box on the table.

"Wow that cane quick." I said, when I order a pizza it usually takes like 1 hour or something to arrive.

"Well you where like 30 minutes Dan." He said with a grin. I'm guessing I was up there for longer than I thought? I don't know what it is right now. But I feel.... Safe? Like I can just chill out, and not be worried about anything. I'm safe.

"Pick a movie, any movie." He said, handing me the remote. I great fully took it, one thing that you will notice about me, I have a very, very big marvel obsession. I mean honestly, who doesn't?

I quickly scanned disney+ and found the first iron man movie. He was my favourite, but that's only because of my crippling daddy issues. I mean, also because he doesn't actually have a super power, he just worked his arse off to help other people. I mean, that's just epic if I do say so my self.

"I've never watched this." He said, looking at the tv confused. I just stared at him, jaw dropped for the 3rd time today.

"Get to fuck! You've never watched iron man??" I said, genuinely shocked that he's not seen the one film that made cinematic history.

"Watch your language. and no I've not, never seen any marvel movie to be exact." He said, quite sternly during the first part. I just looked at him apologetically.

"Shi- sugar my bad. And the fact you've never watched a marvel movie means where gonna have to watch 'captain marvel' before this, and then 'captain America: the first avenger'. You have to watch them all in order for it to make sense." I said, my love for the movies quite obviously projecting. He just smiled at me. Like he actually cared about one of my interests. I've never really experienced this before. Not to be soppy or anything, but its true.

As the credits rolled up for captain marvel, my eyes where slowly shutting. Its been a long day.

"Think its time to call it a day Dan, got to be up early, you're coming to the station with me tomorrow." He said standing up, and stretching his legs.

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