Chapter 16- Diagnosis.

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Hey Guys, just wanna let you know quick, this is going to pretty different than in real life, because I already know how long it takes to actually get properly diagnosed with shit LOL but I Don't wanna use up a bunch of 'in book time' to just trying to get diagnosed because it would probably get real boring. Love Ya's

"Hey thanks for seeing us so quick Doc. We appreciate it." Hank said, as we walked into the doctors office. He seemed nice, not like I've spoken to him yet, but from what I've heard from Hank , he's a nice guy! 

"No worries Hank, anything for you and your crew. Now what can I do for ya? Seem to be having problems with dealing with strong emotions?" The man asked, I'm guessing Hank gave him a run down of everything because I know for a fact bro did not just guess that shit.

"Erm... yeah. I guess you could say that."  I nodded as I was sitting in the leather seat across from his desk, because that was very true but just a simpler way to put it. 

"Okay, right before we get on with that. I just need to ask you a couple questions to see if there could be reasons for this other than not understanding your emotions. Is that alright?" He asked softly. I hate these places. Literally feels like people are walking on egg shells around me. Drives me insane man. 

"Yeah go for it." I said, in an un-phased tone.

"Okay so, first question. What's your behavior like? In school or a home for example." 

I just looked at Hank, I mean we both knew the answer to this but he looked back at me with the 'you gotta answer' eyes. 

"Pretty shit to be fair." I said back, once again in an un-bothered tone. 

"Language." Hank warned, without looking at me.

"Sorry. Its pretty bad. I mean I can be good sometimes, and I wanna be good all the time. But at school when I'm with my friends or something I just get urges to do stupid stuff. And then when I have a teacher I don't like, I make sure they know I don't like them. It's different at home though I think. I mean it has been since living with Hank and Tonio. I've calmed down a lot. Other than when something pisses me off, then I can become a lot to handle. Sorry language again, my bad." I said, while alternating my eye contact between the two men. 

" Anything to add to that Hank?" The doctor questioned. 

"She's a good kid while she's with me or Tonio, or anyone from the unit as a matter of fact. But she does have her ups and downs. You can tell when she's gonna do something though. Her whole demeanor changes." Hank said. I just nodded cos it was true and I knew it. There was no point denying it really was there. 

The doctor just made some notes on his computer before moving on. 

"Okay that's brilliant just give me one second...... Okay, have you ever shown symptoms of Anxiety or depression?" He asked, I just looked down. I could already feel anger being built up inside of me and that's the exact reason I'm here. what gives him the right to ask me that question when he hasn't even told me a single thing about him.

"Yes she has." Hank said, while putting his hands on my shoulders to calm me down. He was standing behind me, as there was only one chair in the room opposite the desk. (idk much abt the layout of the hospital cos I've hardly watched med, so pls just use your Imagination a bit in this scene. LOL)

I don't understand how he knows when I'm getting angry or annoyed. Its like magic, I feel like he can read my mind or something sometimes. Its actually crazy bro. 

"Okay I'll ask you more about that later Hank, next question... Do you find it difficult to focus on certain tasks, short attention span?"

"Oh yeah, majorly. Unless it's something I'm interested in and something I actually find intriguing, my whole brain would switch off. And if I'm having a conversation with someone sometimes I just forget to actually listen, like it sounds weird and I don't know how to describe it, but I actually do just forget to keep listening in the middle of conversations that I have little interest in." I said, trying my best to describe my situation to him, but I did struggle a bit. It just sounds weird to say that you forget to listen you know what I mean.

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