Chapter 19- Break the cycle

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--------3rd person--------

"Hey Tonio, how did it go?" Hank asked as Antonio walked into his office. Dani was sat at Tonio's desk as per usual, while scrolling on tiktok on her phone. 

"Pretty good, she admitted to sneaking out at night, so we were right about that. Here's everything we went over, I got Dr Charles to write it down for you." Antonio replied, while handing Hank the yellow post-it note. 

Hank took it off him, and started scanning it while Antonio sat down and made himself comfortable. 

"What are we going to do schooling wise? I mean, we can try her old school but I doubt they'll keep her for long with her outbursts." Tonio questioned while Hank was still reading.

"We'll give it a shot. You never know this might just be what she needs. If it doesn't work out so be it. We can only try." Hank said, not moving his eyes from the note. 

As he finished reading, he placed the note in his desk draw, and sat in his chair. You could tell he was thinking because he was staring into space. A pit of nothingness. 

---------- Dani's Pov-------

my body was still shaking. I don't know what it was but that whole... thing, the appointment. I felt like I was just, I don't know how to describe it, on edge kind of. Don't get me wrong, it was good to get it all out, but thinking about it makes me feel like i'm gonna have tabs on me constantly. I mean Dr Charles even wants my schooling record when I start again. And starting school is gonna be rough. I mean, I've gone completely ghost for the past 2 weeks, what if my friends don't want to talk to me anymore. Or what if they start doing things I'm trying to get away from. 

"You're thinking too much Dani. Chillax kid." Ruzek said while smiling at me. How he knew I dont know. I just looked at him with confused eyes.

"You've been staring into space for the past 5 minutes." I just smiled and nodded my head in a 'ahhhh' type of way.

"Thanks Ruze." 

"Anytime kid." 

Fuck it. I'm gonna be fine. Whats the worst that can happen. I'm not gonna be in school for much longer anyway. 

"Hey Lee, come here a sec sweetie." Tonio said, calling me into Hanks office.

I walked in and shut the door behind me. I decided to make myself comfy by sitting on the chair opposite Hanks desk, and put my legs over the arm rest. Wait, not like spread my legs. As in, my back is on one arm rest and then my legs are both over the other one. Please tell me you get what I mean, otherwise that just makes this really awks. 

"Whats up?" I asked. 

"I'm proud of you kid, you know that?" Hank said, while smiling. He knows that's a tear jerker. 

"Thanks...da- Hank. You know that's a tear jerker man. Can't believe you've done this." I said while laughing, trying to keep the tears away from my eyes. They where happy tears though, and they're my favorite type. I don't know why I had to say that. Obviously I prefer happy tears over sad tears.  

"I know I know," He said while laughing. "I just wanted to talk to you about school. Do you think you're ready?" He asked, in a sweet way. A way which shows he cares. 

"I don't think I'll ever be ready, but I'm happy to start again. What's the worst that can happen? All the outcomes have already happened before, and I've dealt with them. Kind of." I said back sincerely. Because everything that can happen, already has in the past. Which means I'll be able to deal with it a lot quicker. 

"Well it's Saturday today. How does Monday sound?" Hank replied.

"Sure, why not." 

I feel nervous already, Its Saturday afternoon. which means I have a day and a half until I go back to school. Why is this happening so quick man. I suppose the quicker I start back, the quicker I can get the worst part over with. 

"How about tomorrow, we have a nice day out as a family. We can invite the unit. We'll get you some new things for school. And then we will make a schedule together, so you can be a little more organised and feel a little bit more ready for Monday. Sound good?" I just nodded.

"Can we go shopping in the morning, get my supplies, come home and invite the crew round to play some gta and pizza?" I questioned, and put on my best doe eyes to make sure I get a yes. 

"Sounds like a plan batman." Tonio said, while ruffling my hair and leaving Hanks office.

Thats kind of taken the dread away from Monday, cause Im excited for tomorrow now . It's gonna be a good day. I've just got to get there first. 

"Hank I have a question." I said, while it was only me and him in the office.

"Shoot." He replied, taking his gaze away from his computer and looking at me.

"When's my first drug test?"

"Well it was going to be tomorrow. But I already know what the results are gonna be. So it'll be next Sunday." He said, with no emotion.

"I'm sorry." 

"Don't be sorry kid, but we've had this conversation many times before. You get the temptation, you come to one of us and we'll help you. I don't care if it means you waking me up in the middle of the night. You can't be sneaking out no more kid, otherwise you'll just keep going in circles. You need to break the cycle to break the habit."

"Yeah I got it, thank you dad." I replied back, not thinking about what I was saying. 

"Anytime kid."

Thank you dad . 


Heyyyyy, so it's kind of been 8 months since I last updated... and im super sorry about that!

but shit happens, and we move on! 

Im back, and ive also started a new book called 'order in chaos' its similar to this. just less out of date so I'll be able to keep up with the story line. Check it out if you want! I'll also be doing updates on this book every 2-3 days so yeah!

Thank you for the constant support, and 8.5k reads. I can't believe ive been gone for so long yet you guys are still here supporting me. I appreciate everything! 

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