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It was the next day and it was evening, Cloudjumper and you were patrolling the north side of the sanctuary. Closest to the water.

Cloudjumper roared happily whilst flying through the air, you were in a more regular outfit that appeared like your armour.

It kept you warmer than the armour and warmer than your regular outfit.

You had gotten bored so you were wing walking on Cloudjumper whilst he glided through the air effortlessly, you enjoyed wing walking no matter how dangerous it was. 

"Cloudjumper! Dive!" You ordered

You went back onto Cloudjumper's back and stood on his back because he began to barrel roll towards the ocean.

You had seen a beached Seashocker whom was apart of the pod on the ice, the pod couldn't do much because if the ice broke their secret entry and exit passage would be revealed to other dragons like Scauldron or Thunderdrum.

Cloudjumper swooped down and used his claws to lift up the Seashocker, he ignored the initial electrocution and plopped the Tidal Class back into the water.

The pod jumped out of the water happily as thanks to Cloudjumper before continuing their hunt for schools of all kinds of fish that the Bewilderbeast and them would like.

The Seashockers needed to bring in lots of fish from the outside for the Bewilderbeast and the younger dragons.

Fish were alive near the waterfall and throughout the large body of water that ran through the sanctuary along with in the depths and on the surface but that was for the dragons and dragons only, the Bewilderbeast and Seashockers were fed fish from straight from the ocean.

Cloudjumper pulled up and back near the clouds, The Stormcutter you had been friends with for years hadn't altered his way of flying even when you showed up in his life.

Cloudjumper glided around the mountain happily before boats appeared, very obvious to be Drago's boats attempting to capture any dragons.

Cloudjumper roared before lowering himself and blasting the ships.

You shook your staff vigorously which told Cloudjumper to then torch practically the whole boat, you couldn't perform physical attack since you didn't have your armour on which would make you more vulnerable.

Cloudjumper landed on the boat and began to blast more fire and tear the sails using his wings, the talons on his wings were quite sharp and could tear through any sort of fabric.

Cloudjumper hopped from place to place and from boat to boat setting everything on fire and breaking the boats.

Eventually Cloudjumper had tore multiple holes in the boats which caused them to start sinking rapidly whilst burning.

The hunters on the boat yelled or jumped into the water, they couldn't escape their fate.

It was either they drown and or burn to death because of what Cloudjumper has done or the Seashocker pod comes up to eat them. Both were painful nonetheless.

Barely any hunters made it back to Drago after boating around the sanctuary, either the nearby dragons stopped them, Cloudjumper and you stopped them or the Seashockers stopped them.

Cloudjumper shrieked victoriously before leaving the area, he'd leave the Seashockers to finish the job for him.

The sky began to get darker meaning the Bewilderbeast would be sleeping pretty soon and send the other dragons to sleep too but you and Cloudjumper had unfinished business.

Cloudjumper and you needed to scout for any entrances to the sanctuary and seal them, that's why you had insisted on going for patrol.

Cloudjumper glided over the tundra and stared at the snow whilst you looked up ahead to make sure that there wasn't any obstacles or things he could potentially fly into.

The Stormcutter roared before halting, there was an entrance that led into a tunnel system.

"Guess we better close that off." You stated

Your dragon roared in response before blasting at a large mountain of snow, a huge pile of snow came crashing down and onto the hole.

In a few days it should freeze over completely and the tunnel would be okay to travel through.

"There!" You pointed out

You looked at a large crack in the mountain which could lead straight into the sanctuary from the roof, a large tower like formation of rocks stood over it.

"Blast those rocks." You said

You pointed to the rocks and Cloudjumper did as asked, he blasted the rock formation which made it fall.

To your luck it had covered up the crack and even had the snow to cover up he rocks that was on top of the rocks previously.

You looked up and saw that it was nighttime, stars illuminated the sky and it was absolutely beautiful. The best thing anyone could witness.

It had been a while since you and Cloudjumper had witnessed the sky at night, it was stunning at night in the mountain due to the Seashockers illuminating the water at night which made it look almost unreal.

Stars did the same, especially when you were watching it from on top of a dragon.

Cloudjumper roared happily whilst looking up, you noticed that it was most likely midnight since it had been a while since the sun had went down fully.

"Been a long time." You commented

Cloudjumper roared in agreement before beginning to glide around the tundra to get different angles of the stars, reminded you of way back when but you didn't dwell too far or you'd end up being unable to sleep for the night.

Your past wasn't a topic you enjoyed thinking about, your younger ages were not the happiest moments due to you having to leave your old home.

Although if you had to pick Cloudjumper or your past you'd pick Cloudjumper forever and always, he was the best thing that had ever happened to you and you'd never take him for granted. Ever.

"We should probably get back to the mountain." You stated

Cloudjumper roared in annoyance before flying to where a certain cave system was which would help you get in.

"Don't worry, we'll do this again sometime later. Besides, we need to get a good sleep for tomorrow." You smiled

Cloudjumper flew into the cave and began to navigate his way towards the sanctuary where all dragons were most likely fast asleep, you wouldn't be surprised.

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