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Gobber had found an old boat that seemed to work and he had laid his own chief there, he used a piece of the sail to cover his body and his helmet rested at his feet.

The Bewilderbeast got the strength to stand so he was stood beside you and you alone, no Cloudjumper. The trio that consisted of you, The Bewilderbeast and Cloudjumper was separated. Who knows what he was doing to your dragons.

Everyone had a bow and arrow, all lit up using a fire Gobber had built. No dragons of course to ignite it, another thing to remind you all of their absence.

Gobber began to speak words that you wished you'd never hear.

"May the valkyries welcome you and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen: A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend." Gobber said

The Bewilderbeast breathed ice on top of the boat before everyone shot their arrows, you hesitated but did it anyways.

The boat went down in flames quickly, everyone dipped their heads in respect.

Fishlegs began crying onto Snotlout? He seemed really calm about it too.

The Bewilderbeast shrieked into the air, Eret stared obviously feeling Aghast by the dragons presence. No Bewilderbeast could control another even if the other was The Alpha.

Multiple Seashockers surfaced in sadness, at least Drago and his Bewilderbeast didn't take those. He has no need for those so he must've let them go once he noticed they were following him. Thank Odin.

Or Drago wanted you to suffer because riding on Seashockers was practically impossible, well, if you got the right armour it wasn't but he knew that you didn't.

You ran to your pod of Seashockers and stared at them happily, they must've seen the boat and noticed that you were there.

"He took the dragons, but I must make you stay here. You should not be put to do something against your will." You stated

"Who's gonna take care of The Bewilderbeast? He's wounded." Fishlegs pointed out

"Good thing this pod knows just how to dot that, the sanctuary can be rebuilt by this gentle giant. Besides, the sanctuary isn't far away from Berk since you all got here relatively quick meaning it'd be perfectly safe." You said

You shook your staff which created clicking, The Bewilderbeast went into the water and began to swim under the ice with the Seashockers.

"I know something really sad just happened and all, but it's really relieving to see Y/n alive." Astrid commented

"Yeah, the same person whose been attacking my boats for years." Eret said

"Your fault." You stated

"Before we create any banter we need to find our way off this island, he's going for Berk and Berk basically has no line of defence since he's able to control the dragons. The A Team is practically useless." Hiccup stated

"My dad is there!" Snotlout argued

"Spitelout gets scared of anything he knows he can't beat, he gets way too overconfident too." Gobber snorted

"I only knew Spitelout for eight years and I can confirm it." You agreed

Snotlout grumbled before sitting down in the snow.

"We need to find our way out, but he practically took all the dragons." Astrid said

"Yeah! And Belch!" Tuffnut exclaimed

"Hey! Barf is there too!" Ruffnut shouted

"They're the same dragon." Eret pointed out

"My Meatlug is gone!" Fishlegs saidg

"Remember, he didn't take all the dragons." Hiccup stated

"What, we electrocute to death while riding Seashockers?" Snotlout said

"I wouldn't mind riding The Bewilderbeast." Tuffnut replied

"No! The baby Scuttleclaws! They should be near the ice exploring somewhere, that's our ticket home." Hiccup smiled

"Hush!" You said

"They're scary." Snotlout whispered

You picked up your staff and swung it in circles whilst it was in the air and once you slammed it against the ground both rattling and clicking could be heard from far away.

"Remind me never to hunt dragons." Eret whispered to Astrid

Multiple baby Scuttleclaws came running out from behind a snow bank.

"Oh the poor dragons! Don't worry, we'll get your parents back and then you can go into the sanctuary. We just need one thing." You smiled

The Scuttleclaws looked at each other in confusion before roaring back at you.

"Eret! Get over here!" You exclaimed

Eret stepped forward hesitantly, you grabbed his arm and brought the Scuttleclaw over.

"Remember, babies are not the easiest to train due to their high energy and frankly. Their babies. Trust me, Sometimes I babysat Fishlegs and prying him away from breakfast was never an easy task." You said

"Sounds like him." Hiccup shrugged

"A lot like him." Ruffnut laughed

Fishlegs who was holding Ruffnuts hand quickly let go which let Snotlout get in to hold her hand. Both had the hots for Ruffnut.

"Eret is the perfect viking." Ruffnut smiled

Ruffnut had the hots for Eret, weird. Eret obviously showed no feeling of attraction towards her which was reassuring.

The Scuttleclaw sniffed his hand and after the long moment the Scuttleclaw pulled back and ran around Eret happily, the way Hiccup displayed training a dragon with Clawlifter earlier was a completely different way for Scuttleclaws. They didn't do the hand thing.

"There, you all can choose your Scuttleclaws since they can support way more weight than you think. Don't expect them to touch your hand since they won't though!" You smiled

Everyone stepped forward and chose their Scuttleclaws, you had already chose one since it was the closest and the one willing to be trained.

Of course the Scuttleclaws wouldn't be the best fliers since they'd be a little wobbly but it was the best that you could get, all the other dragons were taken and riding on top of a Bewilderbeast is the riskiest thing anyone could do.

If you don't know what you're doing you'll slip and fall to your death.

Everyone got the dragons to trust them quickly, you could only hope that the Scuttleclaws had great stamina since they would need to be flying more than they would in the sanctuary which could lead to them being worn out.

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