The Beginning

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3052, October 31st. This was the day that everything went south.
I was walking home from school that day with my best friend Abby. My birthday was also that day. I was turning 16 years old. My mom was a homemaker and my father was a well known architect. He built many buildings all around and provided other people blueprints for their own company in the big cities as well. He was rarely home but this year he has been at home for a while. He said he missed family time and wanted to enjoy the little things more often as a family. No doubt my mother was making my favorite food and dessert for my birthday.
I loved the lasagna she made and the tasty chocolate cake she always made for me on my birthday.
"Hey Ellena, is it cool if my brother comes along to your birthday this year he's back in town for some time and he's got no friends here since everyone has moved away."
"Sure Abby the more the merrier." She just smiled.
"Be sure to tell him to bring me a gift though! My birthday parties aren't free" I laughed.
"No problem, alright we're here at our houses I'm gonna head home and shower and get ready for your party tonight!. It's at 8:30pm tonight right?." Abby always forgot the times so you had to make sure to tell her a few times that away it would stick on her brain.
"Yes girl, it's always at 8:30pm." She should know by now since it's like this every year.
"Alright see ya later tonight!"
"See ya Abby!"
As soon as I opened the front door I could smell the chocolate cake that was cooking in the oven.
It made me happy knowing my mom was finishing up the cake for me. I was 16 years old today! I did not know how my mother was supposed to fit all those candles on my cake but I'm sure she could figure it out some way or another. She told me to go upstairs and take a bath and after we would all eat and have some cake.
"Honey be sure to text Abby and let her know to come at 8:30pm tonight."
"Okay mom I will text her" I yelled out downstairs.
I decided to just call her so that I could focus on my shower and makeup as well.
" Hey y'all be over in a hour okay !"
"Okay Ellena we will be there" Abby yelled into the phone.
"Oh yeah Daniel got you a gift as well." "But, mines better haha" she giggled.
"Okay okay see you then haha"
I finished my shower and put on a dress. I was wearing a beautiful red dress.

As I made my way downstairs mom was just letting Abby and Daniel in the house

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As I made my way downstairs mom was just letting Abby and Daniel in the house. She likes meeting new people.
"The food smells delicious mom" I say with a smile on my face.
"Thank you dear. Alright who is ready for dinner and dessert."
"I am Mrs. Carter." Daniel said with a smile on his face.
My mother made everyone's plate and then set the rest on the dinner table in case anyone wanted seconds. We ate our food and talked about how our days went. Kim was barreling Daniel with many questions about anything she could think of.
After we ate our dinner she brought out my birthday cake. It smelt to good!
"Alright sweetheart blow out your 16 candles." My mom said eagerly. She loved cake just as much as I did.
"Okay!" I blew as hard as I could and soon they were all out.
"Yay Happy birthday baby!" My mom said proudly.
Just as I was about to take a bite of my cake, screaming and yelling could be heard outside the house. My Father ran to the door and flung it open ready to see what was going on outside and just as he opened it he closed it.
"There's creatures attacking people!" We needed to get down in the cellar and hide. So we made our way to the cellar and closed the door. My dad made it into a bookshelf so you couldn't tell what is was. It was flush against the wall so you couldn't open from the outside.
We were all inside the cellar when you could hear people making there way into our house. You could hear them destroying everything in the house. Soon we could hear voices down near the cellar.
"I know I smelt humans down here but the scent disappeared near this bookshelf." An unknown voice said.
" I bet there's a hidden area around this cellar." That same voice yelled out.
" let's look for a door somewhere. There has to be one nearby." Another man's voice could be heard.
Not long after the door that was protecting us was ripped apart and off the hinges. We were expecting humans in the cellar that were after us but instead it was wolves. Two giant wolves.

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