The Alpha

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I awoke with the sounds of screaming. It was very dark and there was very little light that could be seen nearby. I sat up and realized my friend Daniel was no where near me. So I hollered out.
"Daniel!" I waited a few more minutes before I leaned up against the cold wall. Where was I ?
I looked around a little more and realized I was in a cell that had thick bars surrounding the entrance. I can't believe it. I lost my father and now my mother too. My parents are gone. They are both gone. They are never coming back. I hate this. I wish it I was still at home with my parents and that my birthday was not a disaster and this all never happened. I would still have my best friends. And now Abby and Daniel are both gone. I know they took both Daniel and I so that means he's gotta be here somewhere. What if they killed him? I screamed for him but he did not answer me. Oh please be okay Dan.
I decided it would be best familiarize myself with the layout of this cell so I started looking around. It was very dark and I could barely see much of anything. I noticed in the corner of my eye that there was another person in my cell. It wasn't Daniel but some girl I did not know. I scooted closer to her and she was asleep. She had bruises all over her and cuts that were most likely infected. It looks like they really did a number on her. She had to have been my age or younger. She was resting so I decided not to wake her until she woke up herself. It was starting to get colder so i figured it was getting closer to nighttime. I had no windows and there were no beds either in here for us girls. I decided to just try and calm my nerves but that didn't really last long as the guards were chatting about many things I didn't want to hear but I had no choice but to listen. Apparently one of the guards was laughing about how they were going to break in their mates if they were to come across them soon. They talked about how being mean and abusive would make them never defy them as they would be there master or something. It was gross and I tried to tune it out the best way I could. They didn't bring any food down either for the people that were stuck in here with me in the cells. There was several cells in a line there must have been at least 14 cells total , 7 on my side and 7 on the other side. I decided to sleep the night away as the guards left us to our thoughts and didn't bother us. I was awakened by banging on the cells bars from the guards.The girl that was in here with me was awake also. I decided to try and start a conversation with her.
"Hey what's your name?" I decided I would ask her what her name was as there was no telling how long we would be in here together for.
She looked at me with her cold eyes.
"My name is Kathy." She was very sweet sounding.
" Hello Kathy, I'm Ellena." I wanted to know how things worked around here or what to expect so I decided it would be good to ask a few more questions.
"What is going to happen to us? How long have you been here?" I needed to know.
" I have been here for about 3 months now. I work as a maid in the pack house. They barely feed us a meal a day. They figure out how many are in the cells and we meet the alpha and he decides what we are going to do. If none of the wolves mate us we become there slaves doing work and in house work."
After she told me this I decided to ask why she was down here and what her job is.
"Kathy what did you do and why are you down here if you are a maid in their pack house?"
"I was caught stealing bread for myself and another girl about my age. We were so hungry and hadn't been fed at all that entire day before. We were starving and just wanted a little bit of what was left over. We were both caught by a male wolf and thrown in here in the dungeon together. They beat us until we passed out from the pain and then they through us in here when they were finally satisfied with themselves. I had woken up later that night and there was no traces of her with me in the cell. I'm not sure where they took her or what happened to her." 

"What was her name Kathy?"  I wanted to know a name of the girl in case I'm ever came across her. So I could say I met her friend Kathy. Maybe we could become friends.

"Her name is Amelia." She looked out the cell bars into the light that shown from the lights along the walls. They were very dim lights but at least we had some light to see.

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