Two Weeks Later

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We decided to try and go into town. We have been holding down our cabin pretty well I might add. We needed other types of supplies like rope and things like that. We needed to secure our home more. Abby and Daniel have become family to me. We haven't heard anything from their parents so we are worried that the creatures may have gotten to them as well. It's all over the newscast that are left. The wolves and vampires are everywhere. Claiming territories and making people their slaves. Daniel and I decided to be the ones to go into town. We were more capable of protecting ourselves since we knew how to use guns well. We were gonna also look for food and more water while we were their as well as gas for our generator in case electricity were to go out for any reason. It was dangerous to venture out into towns as wolves and vampires could be watching. The town that we chose to go into hadn't been hit by the creatures yet so we figured it was a good idea. Hopefully this was a good idea. It took us three hours to get to the town Blackwater. We still had phone communications with mom and Abby so that was great, since we needed to know they were alright and well. We made it into to town and it was like a ghost town. There was a few people who had stayed behind to protect their homes. We pulled into a gas station first and got gas for the generator and for the truck. I don't know how many gallons Daniel got for the generator and truck but the entire back of the pickup was full. We went into a grocery stores and took what they had left. There was not much but it would have to do for a while anyway. We pulled into a health mart and got another first aid kit as well
as medications we might need down the road for any reason. We were on our way back and we hadn't heard from mom or Abby. I got worried and started calling but no body answered. I told Daniel what was going on and that I have not heard from them for over an hour. He sped all the way back and we got there with 30 minutes to spare.
" The front door is wide open Dan." We decided to call each other by nicknames after we got closer.
"That's not normal Ell , your mom and Abby wouldn't have done that while we have been gone." He calls me Ell. It makes me happy that we four have become like a family. It means we will always be here for one another and look after each other.
"Dan a windows broken." I noticed the front window on the left was shattered. I drew my gun and pointed straight while I made my way into the house through the front door.
"I'm going to check around outside, be careful and scream if you need me." He started around the side of the house. After that he would make his way towards the back.
It was clear inside the house but furniture and equipment we had were torn to shreds and thrown every which way. I knew something big had gotten here prior to us and destroyed the house. Mom and Abby were no where in sight so I decided to go out the back door to meet up with Daniel. Daniel was staring at the ground almost in a trance like position.
"Dan what-." Before I could finish I caught the sight of red on the ground. Blood. There was lots of blood and it trailed towards the back of the storage shed. I ran. I ran as fast as I could towards the shed while Daniel was running after me.
I made it to the shed and had my gun pointed straight ready to shoot whatever did this. I didn't know who was hurt but I knew it was bad. I veered around the corner quickly and looked down. Daniel had also veered around with me and I froze.
"Mom." I was looking at my mom who was torn to shreds by another creature. Wolves had definitely been here. I could tell by looking at her. I sobbed uncontrollably while Daniel made me look away. He carried me inside away from my mother who had died behind the shed. I couldn't stop crying and I looked up at Daniel through tear filled eyes and sobs.
"Dan,Abby isn't inside the house either. I couldn't find her anywhere." I couldn't stop crying.
"I know I didn't find her anywhere and there's no other blood trails." He was angry but he was still upset that his sister was gone.
"They must have took her Dan. They took her."
All he could do was hug me and soon his tears started falling.
" I know." Was all he could mutter out. I don't know how long we cried for or how long we had been in the house by the back door but I knew it had been a while when a howl could be heard outside and before I knew it, the sky was pitch black.
"There back Ell. They came back. Why did they come back?" He was yelling and he grabbed me and heading towards the truck. Before we could get to it a wolf was in front of us in a heartbeat. There was several of them.
"Wait!" There was an unknown man's voice that could be heard behind us. I immediately froze and turned around.
"Alpha wants them alive."
The man was tall built and had dark hair with golden eyes. He mentioned an Alpha. What was happening? I turned to the other Wolf and as it followed his order I was too terrified to move. There were humans who could command these beasts. How is that possible?
"Bind them and put them in the truck." Right before my eyes the wolf that was commanded to stop transformed into a human being. I fainted as that happened right in front of me. All I could see was darkness.

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