The Basement

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"I'll have to go ask my mom if she knows what the code is to this door.wait here for me please."
I asked Daniel to wait and he nodded his head at me reassuring me that he would be here whenever I came back.
I headed up stairs and I could hear my mother crying. I went into the room where it was the loudest and found mom and Abby crying together and hugging. I didn't want to interrupt them but I needed the code.
"Mom there's a door underneath the stairs. I requires a code to get into. Do you know it?" I asked her softly so I wouldn't upset her.
"Yes i do , your father made the code your birthday." She spoke back to me.
"Thanks mom" I said as I made my way back downstairs.
I made my way back to the door underneath the stairs and when ever I got to the coded door right before I punched in the code I froze. I was crying uncontrollably right in front of the door. Daniel turned me around and hugged me reassuring me that everything was going to be okay and that my father was in a good place and was happy. That we would see each other again.
"Listen Ellena I'm here, I know your father isn't here right now and I know you loved him very much but I'm here. Your mom and Abby we are all here for you. If you need us we are here. I know your father would have wanted you to feel safe and protected, so that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to help protect you and your family. If you will let me." Daniel spoke softly into my ear as he hugged me closely.
"Okay I know." I cried some more and Daniel and I just stood there on the stairs until I stopped.
" okay I'm alright I'm ready to open this door now." I said as I punched in the code for the door.
Once the door opened we both went inside. It was a safe space similar to the one back at my house. But instead it had a rack of guns and ammo and more food and water stored in the back area and there were extra clothes and lockers as well. There were 10 lockers with names on them and I was shocked to know that our families and Abby's were on the lockers.
"Those have all of our families names on them Ellena." Daniel told me.
"Yes I noticed that Daniel. I guess since we were close as friends with your family that my father decided to keep you close if any dangerous situation occurred that all of y'all would come with us as well."
"I guess so. Let's head back upstairs and let your mother know we found the clothes and weapons as well as more water and food. I would say overall there's a month worth of water and food."
We headed back up stairs and informed my mother and Abby.
"Abby your brother and I are going to town here in a few weeks since we found more food and water down in the basement. It should last us just about a month here at the cabin." I informed Abby that it would be longer until we went into town for supplies. As we had plenty here at the cabin.
"Alright that seems like a pretty good idea Ellena. The longer we can stay out of town the better. There's no telling if those things will even be gone by then. But it is worth a shot." She agreed along with her brother and I.
"Sweetie can you come here for a second." My mother ushered me into the master bedroom.
"Please close the door so we can talk." I did what she asked. The door clicked shut and my mother ran up to me hugging onto me for what seemed like forever.
"I'm so sorry babygirl."
She started crying again and I decided that I would hug her tightly back.
"I know mom I'm so sorry as well." I felt bad for my mom because my father wasn't just her husband. He was her everything and her best friend. They grew up together and had been together for the longest time.
"I know that no matter what I say it's not going to change the text that your father passed away while protecting you and I. But I want you to know that no matter what happens I am going to try really hard to be strong for you. I'm so sorry this all happened on your birthday baby girl." She cried some more on my shoulder. I felt the tears hit my shoulder and I started to cry as well.
"I don't know what we are going to do or what is going on right now around us but please promise me that you will be strong and careful for me. If something were to happen to you I don't know what I would do. It would kill me to lose you Ellena." She hugged me even tighter to the point that I couldn't even breathe well.
"I promise mom, I promise I will be safe and strong for you."
I told my mother that I promised and I am going to try really hard not to break that promise.
"We need to eat something. What food did you say that you found?" My mom asked.
" it's just soup mom, a lot of soups." I told her honestly.
"Well that will have to do until we head into town." She smiled softly. She was trying hard to keep it all together just like we all were.
"I'm going to heat up some of the soup y'all found for tonight. After that we all need to rest. There are spare sheets and blankets in the closets. As well as pillows and pajamas. The bathrooms have towels and extra necessities we might need, such as toothbrushes and what nots." My mother began telling us that there was stuff for us to sleep on so we wouldn't be sleeping on a mattress bare.
Daniel and Abby chose the bedrooms that were upstairs with master bedroom that my mother and I would be taking for the night. My mom helped Daniel make the beds while
Abby and I put sheets and blankets on her bed.
"Listen if you hear or see anything out of the ordinary be sure to tell me ASAP okay?." I asked her to be sure to check her surroundings. This was for all of our safety.
"Okay I will definitely be sure to let you know if anything happens." I hugged her reassuringly.
"Thank you Abbs. We have to be safe and sound."
Abby smiled back at me and we continued to put on the sheets for the night. As I was finishing up the beds, mom and Daniel walked into the room.
"Okay kids we need to get some sleep tonight I know it's gonna be hard to sleep but we have to at least try. We should be far enough away from those things." My mom tried reassuring us we were safe. But did we really feel completely safe?
"Night Abbs , night Daniel. We need to rest and tomorrow we will look for more supplies around the house to help beef up the place." I needed to get this place up to par with whatever we were facing out there.
We all said goodnight and headed to our rooms.
Mom said goodnight to me and she got on her side of the bed and fell asleep a few hours later. I couldn't sleep at all. I was to busy thinking of what to do next. Or what is going to happen next.
Eventually I was able get some rest. As the darkness took over me, I was already ready for the next day to begin. I was terrified of what would happen in the night or tomorrow. If those wolves were to find us what would they do or who would they take from me next.

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