His Dwelling

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Jackson unlocked the door and we headed inside. The home was magnificent. His house had tall ceilings and a huge library shelf that went all the way to the ceiling.
That was something you normally saw in giant library's in big cities or states. The room also had three beautiful chandeliers that glistened when the light shone through them. There was also a staircase that spiraled to the left of the room and went to the second floor above us. The fireplace that was inside this room was lit and burning beautifully in the night. This was totally a dream home. Something I only saw in magazines and on television.

"Wow this place is beautiful." I couldn't help but admire the furniture and home. They both matched each other perfectly.

"Yes Rio enjoys this home very well. He had this built for him and your future Luna when he meets her. I will give you a tour of the home and it's grounds. After that I will be off to fetch your belongings that you will keep here."

"My belongings?" I had no idea what he was talking about as I didn't have a single thing with me but the clothes I had been wearing.

"Yes, we will be giving you necessities and essentials. Such as clothing items and other things for your hygiene. I will need your sizes and what feminine products you might needs as well. For your monthly or weekly habits as well."

"Oh okay. Yes my size is a four. I use really anything for my monthly cycle. I don't need terribly girly smelly things either just get me what you see fit." I am not sure if you can have what you really like so I'll let them choose what they will give me. 

"Alright that's all I need. Follow me so I may give you a tour." He walked away quickly so I followed so I wouldn't get lost. This home was enormous.

"On the first floor we have the kitchen, living area, dining area, two bathrooms and a office as well. The area you saw as soon as you came in was the guest area. If Alpha has any guest they will be their discussing business or waiting to see the Alpha." Jackson had informed me that I would need to serve drinks to his guest like water, whiskey, or a beer if they ask for it.

"Does the alpha receive many guest here at his home?"
I needed to know so that I would know to keep proper attire nearby me or so I could listen in on the conversations to get a better feeling how things ran here or anywhere in precise.

" Not frequently but there about three that come by once and a while." Jackson said firmly.

"Do I need to know the three individuals likes and dislikes or when they normally stop by?" I figured I would ask. Jackson may not answer me but I figured it wouldn't hurt to know more of the situation I am to be in.

"Yes they are two alphas and Alpha's brother Xavier.
The two names our Alpha Dion and Alpha Mathew.
Alpha Dion enjoys whiskey and he comes weekly to discuss the packs values and what goes on every week. He also makes trades with our pack. Alpha Mathew is a little easier to handle, he does not drink but prefers water most of the time. Occasionally he will have a tea or lemonade if you were to offer it. He is easier to converse with and prefers to acknowledge as just Mathew. Even the humans sometimes call him Mathew. If he allows it. Mathew helps with training and brings us humans if he comes across them, we tend to trade with each other with weapons and humans. If there are stragglers we then send them to other packs in our area to do with what they see fit."

He never mentioned any dislikes so I figured I would ask as well. 
" what do they not like?" I figured I would also need to know this as well.

" Ahh yes Alpha Dion does not like it when humans look at him or when they don't acknowledge him by bowing their head low. Only say yes to Dion he hates it when someone says the word N-O." He said as we headed up two the second floor.

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