The Doctors Visit

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Ellena's pov:

~ring ring... ring ring...~
I groaned. "Mmmn." I had set my alarm for around 6:30 am. Old habits since I was still a high school student.
I blinked a few times before I got out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom door. I turned on the shower and I had left the door open so it wouldn't get really hot in the bathroom as I showered before heading out with the Alpha and Jackson to the Pack Hospital.
"Wait I don't have any soaps or anything. Maybe there is some inside the cabinets." As I opened up the cabinets there were feminine products of different kinds. As well as toothbrushes and other necessities. They must keep these here just in case he has a woman over or something like that.

I decided to use the honey and vanilla wash and shampoo. It smelt really lovely and it felt really nice once you washed with it. It was definitely a higher end wash than what I was used to. After I finished in the shower I realized I had no clothing or anything to dry my hair with. I decided to towel dry my hair and I decided I might try the closet to see if there were any clothes accessible for me, I heard a knock at the bedroom door.

"Are you awake Ellena?" Rio could be heard on the other side of the door.
"Yes I am, just give me one second." I had hurriedly wrapped the towel around my body and opened the door up for him.

"I brought you some clothing and a blow dryer. As wells as a brush for your hair. I apologize if it's not up to your standards." He made his way into the bedroom with some paperwork in his hands.

" I also have some paperwork that needs your signatures on several pages. I figured you could sign them before you get ready to leave." He was sitting on the edge of the bed with the papers and pen in hand.

" yes, I can do that." Just as I was about to reach for the pen my towel had loosened and fell on the floor. I was so shocked and frozen in place but I happened to reach down and quickly grab the towel. " I am so sorry. Rio I apologize for having you see such a sight. I was very red in the face from embarrassment. So I quickly signed the papers and ran into the bathroom. "Oh my word! I cannot believe that just happened." I didn't know if he was still out there but he had frozen in place and didn't say anything so I decided it would probably be best to quickly grab the items he gave me and to get ready to leave. As I was quickly changing my clothes I heard the bedroom door shut so I opened the bathroom door and peeked through. He was gone. I decided it would be best to head down stairs so I just let my hair dry naturally. I didn't need to think about the incident that just happened.

As I was heading down the stairs I overheard Jackson and Rio talking in the kitchen.

Before I made my way to the door. I over heard Jackson talking to Rio.

"What's wrong Rio you seem so out of it this morning. That's not really like you. Tell me what's on your mind."
Jackson had sat across from Rio while having a conversation.

Rio sighed. "Nothing much just a little tense this morning I think a good training session is much needed after the visit with your sister this morning. Would you be willing to train with me later?"

"I do not mind. Here I made breakfast this morning. It's oats and toast. Nothing spectacular. I also brought some more for your maid Ellena. There needing blood drawn so I figured it wouldn't hurt, we don't need her passing out on us"

I decided it was best to go ahead and walk in. "Something smells good." I said to the both of them.

"Here's your breakfast this morning. We will leave here in thirty minutes. They moved your appointment up just a little earlier since my sister had time."

"Okay I'll eat quickly then." I nodded towards Rio and Jackson. After I finished the meal Jackson had drove his personal car this morning. Yesterday we had a chauffeur. So this was much nicer.

The car ride was silent this morning as we made our way to the pack Hospital. I was a little nervous but I knew it wouldn't take that long. Or at least I thought it wouldn't. I decided to close my eyes and fell asleep to the vibration s of the car as Jackson was driving.

!?! Next chapter is Rios pov from the morning incident. ?!?

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