The Cellar

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Two giant wolves made their way down our cellar stairs. One was black and grey. The other was grey and white. They had their eyes set on us putting us in a trance making sure we wouldn't run. My father was the closest to the wolves. He was protecting us as much as he possibly could from the beast that made their way into our safe space. My father had a shotgun in his hands ready and loaded. He pointed up to the wolves daring them to come closer.
"Everyone stay back I do not want anybody getting hurt if they are to attack us." My father said with dominance.
" I do not know what these are but they are bigger than any wolf I have seen around these parts." My father said aloud.
"Ellena I'm scared." Abby got closer to me hugging me tightly.
"I know, I'm scared too." I was shaking visibly so much everyone knew I was terrified.
"Daniel what can we do?" Abby looked at her brother hoping he had a solution. I don't think he even knew what to do in this type of situation.
All he could do was stare at the beasts in front of us all. He wouldn't dare look away even for a second, scared they might attack if he so much as blinked.
The wolves stalked closer to us and my dad pulled the trigger. Boom! That's all I heard before I could see the other wolf jump at my father tearing him to shreds right in front of us. I was terrified as the wolf that was shot by my dad was visibly bleeding out of its head. The blood was pouring all over the concrete floor in the cellar. I saw the other wolf making it's way to my father and as it jumped on my father breaking his neck as his weight smashed him against the floor. I ran for the gun that my father dropped in the process of being pushed down by this wolf and I shot the wolf several times with it. The wolf ran only for a minute and died as it was trying to make its way out of the cellar. My mom was bent over my father crying hysterically. I knew we had to get out of here and leave this town before anymore creatures could get us. I grabbed my mom and Daniel grabbed his sister Abby and we rushed to the upstairs to get the keys to the pickup truck outside. I unlocked the truck and put my mom in the passenger seat. Abby and Daniel got in the back seats and buckled in. I got in the driver seat and started the pickup. We needed somewhere to go where no one could find us. I let the garage door up and backed up fast once the door was all the way open and I was putting the truck in reverse all I could hear outside was screams and loud gun shots. I reversed as hard as I could and braked then turned the truck around and took off going about 80 miles per hour down our street. The wolves that noticed us knew they couldn't catch up to our vehicle as we fled so, they left us alone. I needed somewhere my family could be safe. I remember my mother talking about a property they had deep in the woods a state away and so that's where we were headed.
"Mom where is the property you and dad talked about having." It was deep in the woods somewhere, it was a cabin in the woods." "Where is it?" I asked hoping she wouldn't be so out of it since are father had died right in front of us.
"It's in Arirosa. Down 411."
"Thanks mom I'm gonna get us there but I need your help with directions." I said as I glanced over at her.
"Okay hunny I just.." "your fath-."
"I know mom...i know" was all I could say. Tears began to pour from my eyes as I remembered what happened only a few hours back. My father had just died and all I could think about was the fact that he wanted to be together more as a family. I'm sure my mother was thinking that exact same thing. They were so in love with each other. They were inseparable. I had to protect my mom. My dad would have wanted me too. I drove for 8 hours, only stopping to use the bathroom and for gas. We finally made it to the cabin. It was a beautiful place really, there was big tall trees and it was placed near its own little pond. It was something my dad would have really loved to enjoy. He enjoyed finishing and going to lakes when I was little girl. He taught me how to fish and to enjoy every little thing. We pulled into the drive and I shut the pickup off . We all got out at once and made our way into to cabin. No lights were on so we had to use the flashlight that was in the pickup truck hidden in the console. I lit the way into the house for everyone to go in and once inside I started searching for the breaker. It took me a minute to find it as I have never been to this property before. Once I found it I turned on the electricity and started turning on lamps so we could see in the house.
"Okay guys I'm gonna go see if there's any food and drinks in the pantry or kitchen area stored away for long term."
"I'll come with you." My friend Abby said.
"There's a fireplace so should I go and see if there's any firewood stored outside?" Daniel asked politely.
"Sure hun let me come with you, I think my husband had some stored in a dry place for safe keeping." My mother spoke softly.
Abby and I made our way into the kitchen there was water and a few canned soups stored in the fridge and in the pantry. Enough for about two weeks. This should last us since it was big water bottles and big cans of soup.
"I don't know what I am doing Abby, but I am going to try my best to make sure we're okay."
Abby just smiled at me crookedly.
"I'm glad my mom and dad were out of town in another state when this happened." She said to me.
"Me too Abbs." That's what I called her most of the time whenever I was sad or if she was feeling blue.
"What are we gonna do Ellena? This food and water is only going to last us so long. Two weeks at most."
I looked at her softly. " I know Abbs I know, we will have to make a food run for more. We can't survive after two weeks is up maybe we could hunt, but that's only if we have ammo for the shotgun stored here as well. Well really we need a different gun , a 22 at least."
"Yeah Ellena we will have too run into town." She looked at me softly.
"Daniel and I will go into town in about a week to make sure this cools down. Hopefully those creatures are gone." I reassured her. Honestly though, I figured this was far from over.
Mom and Daniel had made their way into the kitchen area.
"There's wood for now but we do have electricity and their is a back up generator as well. I'm worried if we have to light the fireplace that the smell or smoke may attract whatever those creatures or wolves were." Daniel said as he made his way over to his sister Abby.
"Mom there's only two weeks worth of water and food here.I want to wait a week to head to town somewhere and get food and supplies. Hopefully those beasts will be gone by then." I say to my mom as I am giving her a glass of water.
"Yes honey that will be a good idea." She spoke quickly before she made her way upstairs.
"Ellena sweetie I'm going to head upstairs, I need some time to think." She told me as she headed up the steps.
"Of course mom."
I knew she needed time and so did we all to think. She just lost her best friend and husband. While I lost my father. Both of us had lost someone very dear. We needed to have the time to accept that fully.
"Abbs stay here with my mother and comfort her." She needs someone right now and I need to look around for any weapons just in case."
"Of course , Daniel you will go with her right?"
She asked her brother.
"Yeah I'm coming with her, there is no telling if those wolves or whatever they are followed us here." He spoke and made his way over to me.

"Let's go." I said to him.
We made our way through the house and didn't find anything upstairs but I noticed their was a door built into the cabin behind the stairwell. We opened the door and headed down the stairs down into the basement. Once we got to the end of the stairs there was another door that had a coded lock on it.

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