The Next Day

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I awoke the next morning to birds singing and chirping outside. It was peaceful. I could smell the soup all the way upstairs so, I made my way downstairs into the kitchen. My mom was there with both Daniel and Abby eating.
"Don't worry we saved some for you." Abby said to me with a smile on her face.
"Oh good." Was all I could say.
"I think it would be a good idea to scout the area and set up a fence to help protect us and the cabin from those creatures. " Daniel said to me.
"I agree and that is why, we are all going to make our way to the store house outside and see what supplies my husband stored there. " my mom seemed to know a bit more about the property that's I did.
"Y'all stay here incase we need you here. Daniel and I will go look for supplies." I informed Daniel that he would accompany me to the store house that away my mom and his sister would be safe in side the cabin. We walked for a few minutes and made it to the shed that stored more supplies and equipment. I look inside and notice that there is barbed wire, electrical wiring for fencing.
"Grab both the wire fencing and the electric wiring Daniel." We needed both of these things to help protect us while inside the property.
"Let's bring it inside." Daniel thought it would be better to get it inside.
"We need some fence post. I wonder if there's any here or if we would have to make some post out of something else." He wasn't sure if we had any post or not. We started looking around and in the carport there were post and concrete to go around the entire house. We then got started on the fence. Daniel and I kinda knew what we were doing since he worked in fencing.
It took us an entire day to get it all up and once we were finished we headed inside for food and for showers.
"That took longer than I expected." I mentioned that I figured it would be done quicker and Daniel just laughed.
"Hah yeah it tends to look easy but there is a lot of steps to the process."
"Yeah I agree. We need to head upstairs and shower." I mentioned that we needed to bathe since we had been sweating non stop since this morning.
"Yeah me too." Daniel said to me.
We went into our rooms and I figured that I would head into the showers first since Daniel was still inside his room.
"I guess ill go first." I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me when I got inside. All I had on was a towel and I had my hair pinned up with a hair claw. I took off my towel and just as I was about to get in the shower the curtain was pushed aside and I was met with Abby's brothers naked body. I turned around quickly.
"Oh my gosh, I had no idea you were already in here. I thought you were still in your room."
I was blushing hard since I had never seen a man's body before.
"Woah no I apologize I didn't hear you come in through the door and I got in the shower and couldn't figure out how your shower here worked. I'm used to the old standard know what I mean." He had shut the curtain just as I had turned around.
"Oh yeah definitely it took me a minute to figure it out as well whenever my father introduced this shower to me. It's the thermostat on the wall it control the heat and water pressure for the shower. I'll set it for you since I'm in here. Then after I'll let you be." I set the water to medium water pressure and medium heat.
"Okay thanks and that feels great thanks Ellena , I will be out here in a few minutes." He told he would be out here in a little bit so I left the bathroom.
"Gosh that was embarrassing." I say to myself as I make my way into the bedroom and close the door. I'll go back here in a few minutes whenever he finishes up.
I waited about 30 minutes before I headed back towards the bathroom and knocked.
"Are you finished?." I asked through the door.
"Yeah I've been out for about 10 minutes, it doesn't really take me long to shower." He said behind me.
"Gosh you startled me haha." He did scare me for a second, since I was not expecting him to be out of the shower yet.
"Sorry about that and...well...earlier you know." He was looking at the walk as he apologized for earlier.
"That's alright it could have happened to anybody." Is all I said as I made my way into the bathroom and looked back at Daniel. " I'll be out here in a few minutes , after that let's go eat some soup." I informed him that we would eat dinner once I was out of the shower.
"Sounds good see you here in a few." He started his way down the steps.
"Daniel did y'all get finished with the fence.. the soup is ready and hot to eat." I could hear Abby talking with Daniel outside. I turned on the shower and once it was hot enough I stepped inside. Today has been crazy I thought to myself. We got the cabin secured with fences and we finished it all in one day nonetheless. After I quickly finished my shower I headed to the kitchen. Mom was getting everybody a bowl of soup and utensils to eat with.
"Honey there you are, would you like some soup?." My mom asked me while filling up soup bowls with soup.
"That would be wonderful mom." She smiled at me and gave me a bowl of soup. Mom and Abby had stayed inside today to look around for anything that may be useful for us while we are here.
"Did y'all find anything we might be able to use for supplies or anything?" I asked Abby since she had just finished eating.
"Yes we did we found a few more flash lights and a first aid kit. Your mom said that there was also a tool box somewhere here in the house but she couldn't quite remember where is was at." Abby told me there was a few supplies and that that was all that was in the house that my mom knew were there.
I quickly ate my soup since everyone had already finished theirs. We decided we would talk a little bit about ourselves. We learnt what we liked and didn't like. We also talked about our hobbies as well.  After a while of talking with each other we decided to call it a day. We headed our separate ways into the bedrooms and got some much needed sleep.

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