Seeing Him Again

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The next morning I woke up and laid in my bed still in a daze.

"I can't believe I danced AND kissed a gang leader!"

As soon as I said that sentence out loud, I sat up straight in my bed and let words hit me like a tsunami wave.

I kissed a gang leader....

I kissed a gang leader....

I ....




I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it as loud as I could. Not worrying about anyone hearing me because I lived in a studio apartment by myself.

After screaming what felt like forever, I laid back down.

My mind kept running with a gazillion thoughts in my head.

He said we would be seeing each a lot.

I wonder HOW soon?

Knowing that I couldn't stay in bed forever, I got up to get change so I could head to the dance studio.

During the day, I'm a dance teacher for a hip-hop class at studio I've been going to since I was 12. Growing up, I knew I always wanted to be a dancer but never had the money. But whenever music would play, I would let my body flow with the music.

After I got changing into my fit of the day, I put my hair into a high ponytail and left my room to grab breakfast from the kitchen. I grabbed an apple, protein bar, and a water bottle and walked out the front door.

 I grabbed an apple, protein bar, and a water bottle and walked out the front door

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-1 block from Dance Studio-

As I was getting close to the studio I felt like I was being watched but when I looked around I didn't notice anyone but a black SUV with tinted windows.

Okaaaay....that's weird

I got to the studio and headed into one of the private rooms. I set my stuff down and started doing a couple of stretches while thinking of a dance routine to do.

After awhile I thought of a routine to do. I hooked my phone up to the stereo system and let the music play.

(Start at 1:54; blonde girl in the middle)

After I got through the routine, I turned off the music to catch my breath. After mapping out the steps for a few minutes, I heard clapping.

"Damn baby you really are a hell of a dancer!"

I turned around and saw the guy from last night standing in the doorway!

"You?! What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"I did say we were going to see each other soon didn't I?" As he arched his eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"As the whole 'finding you' thing...I have my sources"

He walked further into the room examining the studio room. Then he stopped and started walking towards me. I followed his footsteps by walking backwards until my back hit the wall.

"You know..." he said as he wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"...seeing how fast you move this body of yours..." he brought his hand up to my face and started caressing my cheek.

"...let's see how you can slow things down"

Kinda confused by his question, he grabbed my phone and started typing. Then I started to hear the music.

"Close your eyes..." he whispered as I followed what he was saying

"...don't think..." as he took his hands off my waist

"...just feel"

As the music was playing, I let my body flow with music.

Feeling the music

Feeling his body moving against mine

After the dance, I ended up back in his embrace catching my breath. And we just stood there. My back pressed against his chest. Feeling it rise. Up and down.

He turns me around to face him and grabs my chin to look at him. I open my eyes and didn't realize how beautiful his eyes were.


Then his lips were on mine. And just like the dancing, the kissing was slow and more intimate than the first time we kissed.

The kissing didn't last for long as our lips separated from one another.

"Keep doing what you're doing and I don't know how I'll be able to control myself any longer"

I looked at him confused


"Cute" he chuckles

I cleared my throat and stepped back from him to grab my water bottle because I haven't had a sip since I got to the studio.

"What are you doing today?"

I put my water bottle down and faced him

"Um...well seeing how it's a Saturday, nothing much"

He walks up to me and grabs my hands


"I want you to meet my crew"

"Your crew?!"

"The Mighty Warriors"


"Because baby girl you're gonna be seeing them a lot too"

"I-I am?"


"Um again...why?"

He grabs my waist again and leaned into my ear and says,

"Because you're mine"


The Gang Leader's GirlWhere stories live. Discover now