The Bad Pt.2

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"I think it's only fair that I get a taste too"


"Get off of me!" I yelled

I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him away but he didn't even budge.

"Oh feisty..." he says as he fumbles with pieces of my hair that fell in front of my face.

"I like that" moving his hand to behind my neck pulling me towards him.

I closed my eyes praying that I fell asleep waiting for Dixie and Sarah and this was just a nightmare. A nightmare that I never knew could feel so real.

"Get your hands off her!"

I turn towards the voice and it was Dixie!


"Who's gonna make me?" He tilts his head down with his grip still on my neck.

"You?" His head moves back up as he moves hand under my chin, titling my head up.

"Not me..." Dixie smiles crossing her arms across her chest "Her"

All of the sudden the hold under my chin was gone and the man was on the floor.

"Sarah!" I shouted as she smiles walking past me putting me behind her, putting distance between me and the unknown guy. The guy slowly got up and started to laugh. I stepped closer to Sarah and grabbed onto her jacket.

" nice to see you again"

"What are you doing here Hirai?"

"What?" At this point the guy is fully standing up and running a hand through his hair "I can't make a friend?"

Titling his head to look past Sarah at me. I move further behind Sarah breaking eye contact with the man.

"Leave Hirai! I just made a call to him and I don't think you want to be here when he does," Dixie said as she walked around the guy and stood next to Sarah "and he sounded pretty pissed off to me"

Ice! Ice is coming!

I peeked around Sarah and saw the guy looking between Sarah and Dixie before he laughed again.

"Fine I'll leave...for now" he said as she saw me looking from behind Sarah

"See ya around...Sierra" he said with a smile, waving at me.

My heart dropped when he said my name. He turned around and walked towards the door with Dixie following him. After the guy walked out the door, Dixie slammed it behind him and locked the door.

I didn't the know the breath that I was holding in until I collapsed on my knees.

"Sierra!" Sarah shouted as she turned around kneeling next to me.

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