Him Getting to Know Me

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We get back in the car as Ice closes my door. I look out my window and waved back at the crew as we start to drive.

"I like them" I look over to Ice with a smile on my face

"I think they like you too baby"

As Ice was driving, I started to realize that I didn't know the area. We parked by a very long staircase which I'm assuming that led to a shrine.

"Ice what are we doing here?"

He got out the car without saying anything and walked over to my side. He opened my door and helped me out.

"I want to show you something"

I nodded my head as we made the long trek up the staircase."


We walked up halfway and Ice pulled to the side and the only thing I saw was a bench. Ice guided me over and we sat down, looking out at the view of the city.

"I like to come here when I need to clear my head." Ice as stared out into the open space. I nodded and did the same.

The sun was starting to set over the city. I always found sunsets to be the most calming things to watch. People don't cherish them as they should.

We continued to sit in silence until Ice spoke again.

"I want to get to know babygirl" he says as he pulls me closer to him

"Well um," I replied and leaned against his chest

"I lost my parents when I was 8 and grew up in foster care. The people who worked there told me that they were hit by a drunk driver and I was the only one that survived." He rubbed his hand against my arm. Comforting me to continue.

"I wasn't a very social kid, I kept to myself a lot. I occupied most of my time in the library and one day when I was walking to the library, I saw these street performers. And that's when I discovered my passion for dancing. But I never took dance lesson...um...ever heard of a movie called 'Step Up 3'?"

I turned to him

He nodded his head, "yeah, it's an American movie right?"

I shook my head 'yes' and continued, "the guy in the movie had a phrase and it was: 'Born from a boombox.' I never had something that resonated some much in me before that day. Next thing I knew, I would dance doing my chores around the orphanage, going to the store, on my way to school, even in unused rooms in the orphanage."

We both laughed

"But I was never adopted."

Ice stayed silent.

"I didn't know why...I didn't know what I was doing wrong...trying to figure out why nobody wanted to love me..."

Ice pulled me onto his lap and pulled me close to me. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck and cried. I didn't even know I was bottling all these emotions up for all these years.

After crying for what felt like forever, I pulled away from Ice's neck and sat up in his lap.

"After a while I gave up on the hope of having a new family. So I poured my frustration and sadness into my passion for dance and never looked back. I would dance on every street corner, entering in underground dance battles, anything I could to get money. So that when I turned 18, I left the orphanage, got a studio apartment, found my dream job as a dance instructor, and the rest is history."

I wiped away the leftover tears that came down my face. I felt Ice's hand on my chin as he turned my face towards him. He tucked a stray of hair from my face behind my ear and looked at me. He wiped another tear on my face and gazed into my eyes.

I could tell he was processing everything I told him. He pulled me towards him and gave me a light quick kiss on my lips.

"You've had a hard life baby" he said as he caresses my cheek

"From this moment on, you will never...and I mean NEVER...have to go through that feeling ever again...believe that."

I didn't know what to say to him. I was never shown this amount of empathy before. My heart fluttering fast at the way he was looking at me and the sound of his voice. I haven't seen this kind of feeling from anybody in a long time.

Not knowing how to respond to him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. As soon as he wrapped his arms around my waist, another flood of tears came out. I felt his arms tightened around my waist, knowing that he's reassuring me on what he said.

"I'll never leave you."
Not knowing to us, that far off behind us, we were being watched.

The man took his phone out his pocket and started to dial. He brought to his ear and spoke.

"Yeah...I got my eyes on her now"

The man continued to look.

"Don't worry I'm going...as long as you keep up your end of the deal...you won't have to worry about her"

He ends the call with a dark chuckle and walks away.

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