Meeting the Crew

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It was quiet in the car with music playing in the background. It was a little awkward in the car with no talking so I started to ask him questions.



"Um...h-how did you find me?"

"Let's just say...I have my ways" he looked over to me with a smirk

"Oh" I said as I started twiddle my thumbs

"Um...what's your crew like?"

"Heh...I'll let you judge them for yourself...we're here" he put the car in park and walked out

I looked out my window and saw that we were in front of the club. I was nervous on what to do until Ice appeared on my side of the car. He opened the door and stretched his hand out to me.

"Out we go princess"

I slowly stretched my hand and grabbed onto his. I slid out the car and he closed the door behind me. He then wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me inside.

Walking in, it was different when there wasn't 800 people inside. As we walked further in, I was hearing voices from the upper level.

We got to the top of the stairs and I saw a group people. Some were sitting on the couches, sitting at the bar, and standing while having their own conversations. Some of them I recognized when Ice was performing on stage.

"Ayo everybody!" All eyes were on us and I started to get nervous. Hid behind Ice and clenched onto to his jacket.

He looked behind himself and chuckled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him.

"This," he wraps his arm around my stomach while resting his head on top of mine, "is my girl, Sierra."

I looks towards the group to see their reactions. And then all of sudden the guys were doing bro hugs among themselves and then everybody were walking toward us. Ice started to introduce them to me.

"This is 9, Bernie, and Pearl" he pointed to each of them "I perform with them here at the club"

9 did a head nod, Bernie smiled, and Pearl winked.

"Next is Sarah, Diddy my brother, and Dixie his girlfriend"

Sarah just gave a small smile, Diddy and Dixie waved.

"And finally, this is Jesse and Pho"

There was no reaction from Pho but Jesse walked up to me.

"Well Ice looks like you got yourself a good one here"

Ice grabs my chin and turned my head to face him. He then grazes his thumb over my bottom lip and stared deep into my eyes.

"100%" he replies

I blush and buried my head into his chest.

"Hey wait a second!" I look over to see who talked and saw it was Bernie

"I remember you now! You were throwing down some sick moves last night!"

I blushed at his comment.

"Oh yeah" Pearl said as he snapped his fingers, remembering last night

"Ne," I look over to Dixie

"Can you show us some more moves?!"

Everyone started to nod their heads as I looked up at Ice.

"What do you say baby?"

"Um...." I didn't want to say no in front of gang so I nodded my head.

Bernie and Dixie were the most excited out the group.

"Let's head down so she'll have more room to move."

We all walked down stairs and went towards the stage. I got onto the stage and Bernie followed me up to go behind the DJ stand. I was thinking about what song to do and one popped in my head. I jog over to Bernie and told him what song to play. He nodded with a smile on his face and after a few seconds the song started to play.

(The girl in the middle of the first group; not my video)

After I was done dancing, I stood in the middle of stage. It was quiet until, Bernie started clapping his hands and shouting. Then I turned back around and saw everyone smiling, clapping, and shouting with excitement.

Ice stopped clapping and jumped on stage. He walked towards me and picked me up and starting to spin me around. After he was done spinning me around, I was laughing and smiling so hard that it felt like he was going to be stuck that way.

He placed my feet on the ground while keeping his arms around my waist.

"My girl can really move can't she?!" Ice shouting

"Yeah she's awesome!" Dixie shouted

"You really got a good one" said Pearl

Ice kissed the top of my forehead and I left like I was on top of the world.


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