Me Getting to Know Him

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After awhile we separated from each other, now realizing how dark it was getting.

"Let me take you home" I nod as I slide off his lap.

He stood up and grabbed my hand as we walk down the stairs back to his car. He opens my door and I slide into my seat, he grabbed my hands and brought it to his lips, leaving a light kiss before closing my door. Ice then gets into the car and we start the way my home.

We  get to my house and I wait for Ice to open my door as I get out. He then goes behind me and opens the backseat door and pulls out my duffel bag.

I  forgot all about my bag.

He hands me my bag to me and I give him a quiet 'thank you.' We stood there a little bit as I fumble with the zippers on my bag until I was able to find voice.

"Ice," I look up at him not realizing until now how tall h really was.

"Hmmm," he smiles at me as he moves a piece of my hair out of my eyes

"Do you....umm...want t-to come i-inside?"

"Sure" he chuckles

I walk around him and fumble to get my keys from inside my bag. As I walk up to my door, I feel Ice's hands on my waist and my heart starts to pound. I was finally able to key into the keyhole, unlocking the door, we walked inside with Ice's hands still on my waist. I walk over to the light switches and I turned on the living room. We walk further into the room, placing my bag on the couch and turn around to face Ice.

"Um...d-do you want something to drink? I have wine" I give a light laugh.

He lifts his left hand and drags his thumbs across my bottom lip.

"Yeah" he replies as his hand rest on my cheek

"Okay" I reply quietly and step back from him to go to the kitchen.

I first go the cabinet, grabbed two wine glasses and placed them on the counter then walked over to the fridge to grab the wine. After pouring the wine, I placed it back into the fridge and grabs the glasses and walked back over to the living room where music started to play. I get to the living room and saw Ice had one of my records in his hand.

As if sensing me he says, "Got some good music taste"

"T-thanks...uh...," I start to say and he looks up at me "do you want to sit down?" I ask as I walk over to the couch. He put the record sleeve next to the record player and follows me.

I hand him his glass and we take a seat on the couch.

"I...uh...w-want to get to know you better," running my hand on the rim of my glass "since you got to know me"

He takes a sip of his wine and places on the coffee table in front of us. He then leans back and turns his body towards me.

"Well not much to tell, but I've always loved music mainly rap. And I wanted to save people through music just like music and fashion did for me." I place my wine next to his and scoot closer to him.

"So I started from scratch with my career but I wasn't always in music. Before I started my gang, I used to be a uh," I grab his hand, letting him that it's okay to continue.

"A mercenary" I didn't say anything so he continued

"And being a former mercenary, I gathered fighting skills and became a combat specialist with boxing being my favorite fighting style."

It was quiet for a few minutes until he spoke again

"Does that scare you?" I shake my head 'no.' He scoots closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist pulling me towards him, with our chests touching one another.

"Do I scare you?" Without hesitation I shook my head 'no' again.

"I know you did what you had to do" I close my eyes and put our foreheads together.

He moves his head into the nook of my neck as he wraps his arm around my waist. I stroked his hair and before we knew it, we both fell asleep.


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