The Bad

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I woke up to light shining into the room and realize that I wasn't in the living room anymore but my bedroom. But besides the fact that I was in my room, I was also alone.

Did I imagine all that?

Still trying to imagine if what happen was real or not until I saw a note folded on my nightstand.

Hey Beautiful,
I didn't want to wake you since you looked so peaceful.
But I want to see you again today, I'll be at the
studio so why don't you swing by at 1:00pm?
P.S. I put number in your phone, look for a heart😉.
See you soon, Ice❤️

Well that solved my suspicions, I put the note back on the nightstand and saw that it was only 10 in the morning. Seeing that I had some time before meeting up with Ice again, I got in the shower and redressed. I grabbed my JBL speaker and went up to the roof to choreograph more dances for my classes.

After being on the roof for 2 hours, I looked at my watch and saw that I had another hour before going to the studio. So I go back downstairs and took another shower before getting dressed for the 2nd time today.

 So I go back downstairs and took another shower before getting dressed for the 2nd time today

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I grabbed my phone on my way to the kitchen and made a sandwich with a cup of apple juice. After taking a few bites, I put my sandwich down and looked up Ice's contact in my phone. At first I typed in his name but nothing came up and then I remembered his note and typed in the heart emoji in the search and it pulled up "Future Husband❤️." I coughed on the sandwich piece I was still chewing on before fanning my face when felt my face getting hot. I grabbed my cup of juice and took a couple of sips to clear my throat and was finally able to collect myself. Taking a few breaths, I finished my sandwich and juice, then I  grabbed my phone again to text Ice. Then after awhile I heard the notification sound from my phone and saw that he replied with the address of the studio. I liked the message, grabbed my tote bag before walking out the door.

I got to the studio but it wasn't really a studio but a house and saw there was a speaker system with a camera above it outside the door. I hit the button and after awhile the door open and the person who answered was Dixie.

"Sierra! It's so good to see you again!" She pulls inside and hugs me

"Hey Dixie!" He laugh and hug her back

She pulls back from the hug and said, "I love your outfit, we definitely need to go shopping sometime! Come on they're in the studio."

She grabs onto my hand and pulls me further inside and we walked down a hall to a big open space to a big white room with a lot of windows. I look around and saw Jesse and Pho at the bar, Sarah and Diddy on a couch, and in the middle of the room I saw a table with a studio recording console where Bernie was sitting. On the other side of the table I saw Ice, Pearl, and 9 as they were talking to one another. They were each holding a mic in their hand with cords going back to the console.

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