Eyes On Me

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Ice pulls up to the dance studio and I see Sarah leaning against the building, looking on her phone. He puts the car in park and turns towards me, putting his hand under my chin.

"As soon as I get done with my stuff I'll come to pick you up, okay?" He says

"Okay" I say with a smile as we lean towards each other, kissing each other lightly on the lips.

I give him one more kiss and then opened the car door, sliding out of my seat and grabbed my duffel bag from the backseat.

"Keep an eye on my girl Sarah"

"I'll guard her with my life" she said as she wraps an arm around me from behind and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Bye baby" he turns towards me and winks at me.

"Bye" I said with a wave as I watched him drive away.

Sarah turned me around and started walking me into the dance studio.

"How are you feeling? I know yesterday was a lot for you"

I let out a sigh as we walk into the room where I was going to teach my class.

"I feel fine and I'm still scared but I feel safe when I'm around you guys...and Ice" I look down at the ground and smiled

"That's good to hear" she says

After a few minutes, the room started to fill up with people who signed up for the class. Then I guided the class into some stretching exercises and then clapped my hands to get the class' attention.

"All right guys let's do it!" Everyone shouted in agreement as I started teaching the class the routine.

(THIS VIDEO IS NOT MINE; Start video at 4:00 with the girl the white shirt in the middle)


"Alright guys good job! I'll see you all next week!" I shouted, clapping my hands.

Some of my students walked up to me as we caught up with each other. As I walking talking to them, I saw a guy leaning against the wall in the hallway looking at me.

My heart skipped a beat as I started to get a bad feeling

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My heart skipped a beat as I started to get a bad feeling. He blonde with a buzz cut hair style and was wearing all black like the guy last night was wearing. As I was lost in thought staring at the guy, a student caught my attention but when I looked back up, the guy was gone. I walked towards the doorway and peeked my head out, but didn't see the guy anywhere. I got startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning around seeing Sarah.

"You okay?" She said as her hand slipped from my shoulder.

"Yeah just...just thought I saw someone" I gave a half-smile as we walked back in the room.


Sarah and I were talking as we walked outside as Ice pulled up in his car.

"Hey baby!" He shouts as he gets out, walking around the car.

I said 'goodbye' to Sarah as she gives Ice a head nod, walking away. I turn to Ice as he pulls me into a hug, while placing a kiss on my cheek. He pulls back and smiles at me.

"How was class?"

I didn't want to tell him about the guy I saw because of how crazy last night was and I didn't want to be a bother more than I feel like I already have been. So I lied.

"Yeah it was fun, you should join next time! Maybe help me teach a class" I said booping his nose, giggling.

"I think I will" he chuckles "how about I make dinner tonight?" grabbing my hand and duffel bag as he guides me to his car.

"Mmmh...sure" I laugh as he opens my door as I get in and we drive off.


It was pretty late when Ice brought me back to my place. After dinner, we watched a couple of movies but didn't realize how late it was until after the second movie. I still didn't tell him and the guy that was hanging outside of my class. I've been trying to convince myself that he was just a random guy watching the class but the voice in the back of mind was telling me different.

Ice walked me to my door and gave me a kiss as he turned back to his car. I waved goodbye to him as he pulled away and locked the door behind me.

I leave my duffle bag by the front door and walked into my bathroom to take a quick shower. I walked out the bathroom, in my pajamas, drying my hair with a towel hearing my phone vibrate on my bed.

Thinking it was Ice, I picked it up and saw a message from and unsaved number.

Unknown number: hey baby

Confused, I texted back thinking Ice got a new phone.

Me: Ice?

I waited for a response until I saw the three dots pop back on the screen.

Unknown: nope

My heart dropped. If this wasn't Ice then, who was it?

My mind was racing and then I got another text.

Unknown: I told you you'll be seeing me soon

No...not him!

How did he get my number?

Unknown: those are some cute pj sweetheart

I gasped as I dropped my towel and clenched my phone into chest, looking around my room.

How does he know what I wearing?

How is he spying on me?

I frantically look around my room to see if anything looked unusual but I couldn't find anything. I backed into my wall and slide down as I started to hyperventilate. It was getting harder breath and I left like an elephant was sitting on my chest.

Eventually I was able to call Ice and put the call on speaker. The phone didn't even ring for a second when he answered.

"Hey baby, everything okay?"

I couldn't form the words with my mouth but that was all Ice needed.

"I'm coming baby"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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