Chapter 2 - The Vault

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TW: Mentions of death

Katianne's POV

My brother, Ron, El and I stood outside, waiting for Hermione to finish getting ready. We plan to get into Bellatrix Lestrange's Vault by literally letting Hermione become her. She has a strand of the Lestrange woman's hair, planning to drink polyjuice potion to look like her.

El has grown out a beard with the past few weeks of not shaving; and with his brunette hair, he's barely recognisable. And I, on the other hand, still have a bit of the polyjuice potion left to look like 'Jennifer Anderson', so I would be becoming her once again.

As I stood there silently, impatiently tapping my foot onto the sandy ground, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of unpleasant feelings cloud my head; distress, dread, worry- fear.

Not for me. I don't care what happens to me at this point, as long as we win this war; but El. I can't have anything happen to him- not even a scratch. Every little scar he gets, it's almost as if I can feel the pain too. Seeing his wails and cries bring agony to my heart; and over a last minute thought, I pulled the brunette boy to the side.

"Where are we going?" He asked, following along with my steps. "No where, I just need to talk to you." I answered, finally stopping in my tracks when we had safe distance between the other two boys.

"You can't go." I quickly blurted out, a flash of confusion masking the Diggory boy's face. "What?" He quizzed. "I need you to stay here- where it's safe." I further explained, using both of my hands to hold both of his.

"But- but I have to." The blue eyed boy stated, me shaking my head as an answer. "No you don't- you really dont. I can't lose another person.. I can't have you die. I just can't- I can't risk it." I spluttered out, the fear in my brain growing stronger, pounding my head as sorrow flowed in the background.

"I won't die, remember? Your promise- at the ministry of magic." El declared, looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Yeah, well that's before Dobby died." My voice raised ever so slightly, a tension-filled silence falling upon us; El's eyes widening with my angry breaths growing more rapid.

"That's before I still thought the world was sunshine and rainbows. Back when I still had hope. But Dobby's death helped me realise that in the real world, anyone could drop dead at any moment during times like these. You- you could get killed; and I can't have that... I would never forgive myself." I continued saying, my tone stern and harsh.

"Fine then- you don't go either." The Diggory boy bargained, me shaking my head again. "No, I have to go. It started with Harry and I, it'll finish with him and I as well." I expounded, leading to El answering with, "Then I'm going too."

I sighed, looking down at my feet, feeling him grip onto my hands tighter. "El- c'mon- don't be like that-" I tried saying, but he cut me off. "No. It's like you said, you're my ride or die. If you're going, then I am too. I don't care if I'm putting my life on the line, as long as you're there with me, then- then it wouldn't be so bad." The brunette boy said.

I stared up at him, my eyes big and sad; and he stared back down, deep into the ocean blue. His hands let go of mine as his arms wrapped around me tightly. I could still feel the fear pounding, trying to escape and be let out into this cruel world- but for a second, just a second, I felt it disappear while El's warmth surrounded me; my arms engulfing him into a hug as well.

At that moment, it was just him and I. The world didn't matter, the fear that's pounding didn't matter, the sorrow that's flowing didn't matter- only he did, only we will.

Time skip

No one's POV

The five of them walked into the Vault of Bellatrix Lestrange, followed by Griphook and Bogrod; two Goblins.

"Lumos." All of them said, light showing up at the tip of their wands. "Accio Horcrux." Hermione tried, though nothing happened. "You're seriously not trying that one again, are you?" Ron jokingly asked, smiling slightly. "That kind of magic won't work in here." Griphook then explained.

"Is it in here? Can either of you feel anything?" The Weasley boy quizzed, all of them walking deeper into the vault; curiously looking around. Both of the Potter's nodded in response, stopping in their steps.

The two of them could hear faint hisses and whispers, coming from a little golden cup- Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

"Huh!" Hermione gasped, knocking one of the golden bowls over. It fell to the floor, vibrating, before duplicating itself multiple times. "That's it, up there." Harry stated, ignoring the chaos happening behind him.

More things were hit, each of them falling and multiplying; jumping around- it was madness.

"They've added the Gemino Curse- everything you touch will multiply." Griphook expounded. "Give me the sword!" Harry ordered, leading to Hermione pulling it out of her small bag and throwing it to the raven haired boy.

He climbed up the multiple golds and silver, each of them jumping around as they duplicated more and more. They went higher and higher, Harry reaching the sword out to hold the handle of the cup. And then- the moving stopped; Harry drowning into the sea of gold.

Silence filled the air, until it was broken with the Potter boy crashing out of the pile of objects. "Got it!" He yelled out, jumping down so we could all run out.

Griphook grabbed onto the cup, Katianne glaring at the goblin. "We had a deal, Griphook!" She shouted out. "The cup for the sword!" He then loudly retorted, the blonde giving her brother a knowing glance; which led to him throwing the sword to Griphook, him giving us the cup.

"I said I'll get you in- I didn't say anything about getting you out." The goblin smiled evilly, escaping from the place.

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