Chapter 10 - Death

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Italics is flashback

TW: Death and swearing

Katianne's POV

It was dark. It was empty.

There were things broken, while others burnt.

And even if I was with three other people, El wasn't there, and in the end, I still felt alone.

Which is why a smile seemed to inch up my face, knowing that I would get to see him again. And this time, he would be happy- because he finally got to confess his feelings to the boy he loves.

Walking into the great hall, pieces of stone and rubble scattered everywhere, we saw a dimly lit up room filled with people. The ones alive trying to take care of the hurt, and the others... dead.

Slowly, we walked into the room. And that's when I saw him... Elliot.

He laid there, still... motionless. Dead.

I could feel this physical pain in my chest. I couldn't tell what I was feeling, there were so many things going on.

It felt like my head was gonna explode, and that my chest was gonna bleed out.

I wanted to say something, I wanted to yell. I wanted to scream and shout. But I couldn't; it was almost as if there was something caught in my throat. A lump- but the lump was made of knives that cut my neck.

"No." I managed to rasp no. "No!" I uttered louder.

Harry turned to look at me confused.

My vision went blurry as tears filled my blue eyes. I felt one overflow, rolling down my rusty, pale cheek. Then another one, and another. It was like a waterfall, never stopping.

I finally ran up to him... his body. I felt my knees give up as I fell onto them. I desperately grasped onto his arm, and he felt so... cold. I shook him, hoping that he would wake up. That he would tell me that he was okay, and that he was glad to see me.

But no. He laid there lifelessly. So distant, not like his old warm and cheerful self.

His blue eyes stared dully into the distance, his skin cold and pale.

Again, I wanted to say something, but what can I say? There was so much I could tell him. But why would I say anything in the first place? He's dead.

"Y- y- y- you made me promise to never leave you- b- but why would you leave me?" I cried out, leaning my head on his silent chest, letting my tears stain his clothes.

"Please don't leave me, Katia, like Dean did. I don't know what I would do without you." El sobbed out. He was so helpless. He was craving for someone to love him again. He was desperately holding on to the little shred of care he had left.

"I won't leave you, El, I'll never leave you."

And I never left him, but he couldn't return the deal.

"Oh no." I whispered, remembering something. "Oh no, no, no, no."

"I- I didn't keep my promise. I s- said we were both going to survive- that we weren't going to have to say goodbye till decades later. I'm s- s- so sorry, I lied to you- oh El, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." As much as I apologise, it wouldn't change anything. A few simple sorry's isn't going to revive him.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I didn't need to turn around to know it was Harry. "It's okay." I could feel him whisper into my ear.

But it wasn't, was it? It really wasn't. People only say that to give others' hope. To be happy even if the world is crashing down. But my world is crashing down, and that's not okay. I'm not okay.

"I lost him, Harry. He's my best friend, he's family, Harry. A- a- a- and he said that if he does die during this, i- i- it wouldn't have been that bad anyways, b- because I would've been with him. B- b- b- but I wasn't there for it. He died alone... I told him we were going to survive- together- Harry, I lied, I lied!"

I felt like I couldn't breathe. I was so busy talking that I couldn't catch my breath. And for a second, I wanted to completely stop breathing. Because if those little f*cked up stories they say are true, about there being an afterlife where you get to meet your loved ones again, then I would give up this life in a heartbeat.

At least at the time I would've.

"I planned my future with him, Harry." I slowly said. I was too tired to speak louder than a whisper, so I resorted to a quiet mutter.

And I did. I planned for us to go on trips around the world. For us to become roommates, and then when we both get married and have kids, we would be neighbours. I planned for him to be my maid of honour at my wedding, even if he is a dude- h*ll, I planned for him to walk me down the f*cking aisle.

And now he can't do any of that- we can't do any of that- because he's dead. And I didn't even get to say goodbye.

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