Chapter 13 - Family

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TW: Death

Katianne's POV

As my eyes fluttered open, I was welcomed by the sight of 12 Grimmauld Place; but it was no longer messy like it usually is.

Looking down, I could see I wore a simple white flowy dress. Confusion clouded my head as I cautiously got up. My barefoot came in contact with the cold floor as I slowly walked around the empty house.

Stepping into the dining area, I could see a bunch of people gathered together- laughing and talking.

Scanning my eyes across the room, I could see Sirius and Elliot.. my parents.

My eyes widened, my heart beating incredibly fast. And then, all of the people looked over to me, their smiles turning into grins.

"This isn't real, this isn't real. No, I'm dead. This isn't real." I mumbled to myself, turning away from everyone.

"Katia," I could hear the soothing voice of El call out. "It's good to see you again."

Once more, I felt tears well up in my blue eyes- because with even merely glancing at them, all I can picture is their dead bodies; dull and cold.

"Darling Katianne- please, come." The voice of my mother requested- so soft, so calm.

A stray tear rolled down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away.

"I'm dead, I'm dead. This isn't real." I kept whispering to myself.

"My beautiful girl has grown so much." I could hear the voice of my father say.

I felt my breathing increase, me screwing my eyes tightly shut- hoping that I won't have to open them again, that I will finally rest.

But after I opened them, I'm welcomed with the same thing- same room, same people.

Finally, I turned around.

My eyes first landed on Elliot, seeing his bright blue eyes and crimson red cheeks

His blue eyes stared dully into the distance, his skin cold and pale.

Then it went to the man I could practically call family, my godfather.

A flash of green appeared before Siriuses' happy demeanour slipped away into a blank stare.

And then I saw my parents, the people who gave away their life so that they could gift me mine- and now I let their gift to me carelessly slip away as now many others can live their own lives.

I could see Sirius stand from the head of the table, slowly walking over to me as he wrapped his arms around me. Stunned, I hugged him back, burying my head into his chest; fluttering my eyes close to enjoy his warm demeanour.

"We were going to live together- you, your brother and I," The man started saying. "I'm sorry we never got to do that."

I stayed silent- I mean what was I supposed to say? Surrounded by my family that are known to be dead.

He pulled away, stroking my rosy cheeks with his thumbs, staring down at me in awe.

"You were like a daughter to me, and I'm sorry I had to leave you so soon."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Eventually, he went back to sitting down as Elliot came up to me.

"Hey Katia." El muttered out. Looking at him made my heart ache. It only reminded me of my broken promise- the hope I gave him that turned out to only be a sham.

"I'm sorry." I cried out. "I'm sorry I lied to you- on how we would both survive, how there was nothing to worry about."

El only shook his head, putting the both of his hands on my shoulders, a soft smile on his face. "It's okay, it's okay. I'm with my mother now- I'm with my brother now."

Yet the guilt in my heart still wasn't relieved. "Wh- what about our future, what we planned?" I asked, feeling sadness cloud my head.

"It was a nice thought while it lasted." was all El managed to murmur out.

He stroked my hair with his right hand, before going back to sitting down.

And now my parents walked up to me; the parents that died too soon for me to actually know them. "My sweet, sweet child, look how much you've grown." My mothers soothing voice uttered out, softly touching my head with the warm palm of her hand.

And then I glanced over to my father, who stared down at me with a proud look on his face. He set a hand on my shoulder, rubbing it every so slightly. "I'm proud of you, kid- for what you've become, what you did. You're a hero, giving up your life for the lives of others; but it's time for you to wake up." My father stated.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean? I'm dead?"

All of a sudden, I heard a distant holler that caused a faint rumble on the ground.

"Oh my darling child, you will not be able to die from that man, because love protects you; our love." My mother spoke. "Which means you will have to wake up- to see your family again."

I shook my head, feeling myself get teary eyed. "But you are my family. All of you. Why would I want to wake up?" I asked, my voice cracking ever so slightly.

Again, I heard the distant voice, though this time it was clear enough for me to understand. "Katia." I heard the muffled word be spoken, the rumble happening once again.

"You have people, waiting for you to wake up- hoping that they would be able to see you again. You have to go back to them. Just know, we love you so very much." My father declared. "I love you too." I whimpered.

He embraced both my mother and I, and I cried in his arms, sobbing with no remorse. "I don't want to say goodbye again."

And as he pulled away, I could feel my surroundings disappear into a blinding white light, the last things I see being the faces of my beloved parents before everything faded into darkness once again.

1007 words

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